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f\u00f6rskoleundervisning"", ""en"": ""Application for early education or pre-primary education""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 41}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 40}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 96}, {""value"": ""2_consecutive_steps"", ""variable"": 24}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 94}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""3_consecutive_steps"", 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care Fylgia-Solhem,Merimiehenkatu 9,Sjömansgatan 9,Merimiehenkatu 9,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 44834,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00120,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-12-03T13:00:51.634610+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}","[1087, 1405]",helsinki,"[887, 1094, 2129, 882, 1093, 2126, 881]","[862, 862, 603, 160, 160]","{""fi"": [""eskari""], ""en"": [""preprimaryeducation"", ""pre-primary education"", ""preschool""]}",Point,24.942337,60.162216,"PL 12301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Cygnaeus förskola,,4,6,,,,"P.O. Box 12301, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,6,,"PB 12301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,7,,, 93,"[{""section_type"": ""PHONE_OR_EMAIL"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Perhep\u00e4iv\u00e4hoidonohjaaja"", ""sv"": ""Familjedagv\u00e5rdsledare"", ""en"": ""Family day care coordinator""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": ""+358 9 310 72976"", ""contact_person"": ""Tikkala Aira""}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen"", ""sv"": ""Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen"", ""sv"": ""Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning"", ""en"": ""Application for early education or pre-primary education""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,23185,,,0f5c6631-ca60-4309-9c5b-a10322447a37,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Venho,Group family day care Venho,Itämerenkatu 16 E 93,Östersjögatan 16 E 93,Itämerenkatu 16 E 93,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 29644,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00180,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-12-03T13:00:52.106409+02:00,,[1405],helsinki,[963],[664],"{""fi"": [""lastentarha""], ""en"": [""daycare"", ""day care""]}",Point,24.91328,60.162838,"PL 18934, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Venho,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 18934, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 18934, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 444,"[{""section_type"": ""PHONE_OR_EMAIL"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Perhep\u00e4iv\u00e4hoidonohjaaja"", ""sv"": ""Familjedagv\u00e5rdsledare"", ""en"": ""Family day care coordinator""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": ""+358 9 310 46808"", ""contact_person"": ""Mansikka Saila""}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen"", ""sv"": ""Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen"", ""sv"": ""Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning"", ""en"": ""Application for early education or pre-primary education""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,22878,,,3c80af96-1984-4b69-ac8f-952dce16abf2,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Pikkarainen, varakoti","Group family day care Pikkarainen, varakoti",Kaivolahdenkatu 8 D 58,Brunnsviksgatan 8 D 58,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00810,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-12-03T13:00:54.955269+02:00,,[1405],helsinki,[963],[664],"{""fi"": [""lastentarha""], ""en"": [""daycare"", ""day care""]}",Point,25.037739,60.187717,"PL 81756, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Pikkarainen, varakoti",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 81756, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 81756, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 507,"[{""section_type"": ""PHONE_OR_EMAIL"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja"", ""sv"": ""Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare"", ""en"": ""Manager of daycare centre""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": ""+358 9 310 62941"", ""contact_person"": ""M\u00e4kinen Ida""}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen"", ""sv"": ""Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen"", ""sv"": ""Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning"", ""en"": ""Application for early education or pre-primary education""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,780,,,daf65be4-a3e6-432b-aac3-c7715c9ac11f,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Kirsikka, varakoti","Group family day care Kirsikka, varakoti",Ostostie 5,Köpvägen 5,Ostostie 5,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 28576,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00940,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-12-03T13:00:55.264484+02:00,,[1405],helsinki,[963],[664],"{""fi"": [""kes\u00e4aukiolo"", ""lastentarha""], ""en"": [""daycare"", ""day care""]}",Point,25.083563,60.23851,"PL 94950, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Kirsikka, varakoti",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 94950, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 94950, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 1095,"[{""section_type"": ""OPENING_HOURS"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""COVID-19 tilanteen vuoksi katso poikkeusaukiolot""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,661,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Kampin palveluasumisryhmä,Kamppi service housing group,Agronominraitti 2 A,Agronomstråket 2 A,Agronominraitti 2 A,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 541 1305,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00790,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:00.099724+02:00,,[783],helsinki,[803],[746],{},Point,25.034412,60.234585,"PL 79801, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Kampens serviceboendegrupp,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 79801, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 79801, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 1096,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,786,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Käpylän palveluasumisryhmä,Käpylä service housing group,Sofianlehdonkatu 8,Sofielundsgatan 8,Sofianlehdonkatu 8,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 541 1305,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00610,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:00.112831+02:00,,[783],helsinki,[803],[746],{},Point,24.94885,60.204567,"PL 8550, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Kottby serviceboendegrupp,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 8550, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 8550, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 1149,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 95}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""1_step"", ""variable"": 24}, {""value"": ""1_step"", ""variable"": 39}, {""value"": ""3_consecutive_steps"", ""variable"": 93}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 94}, {""value"": ""difficult_to_perceive"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 35}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}]",internal,1171,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Toivolanmäen perheryhmäkoti,Toivola children's home,Mikkolankuja 6,Mickelsgränden 6,Mikkolankuja 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 53211,,,+358 9 310 53211,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00680,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:00.162779+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}","[783, 1401]",helsinki,"[189, 857]",[420],{},Point,24.964874,60.241848,"PL 68850, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Toivola barnhem,,3,7,,,,"P.O. Box 68850, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,7,,"PB 68850, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,3,,, 1322,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 111}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""otherwise_stands_out_clearly"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""requires_use_of_door_phone_opening_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""on_door"", ""variable"": 110}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 109}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}]",internal,1064,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Metsäpuron asuntoryhmä,Metsäpuro home group,Myllypurontie 26 G 99,Kvarnbäcksvägen 26 G 99,Myllypurontie 26 G 99,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 69573,,,+358 9 310 69573,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00920,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:00.387106+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[783],helsinki,[815],[275],{},Point,25.058031,60.22155,"PL 92774, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Skogsbäckens bostadsgrupp,,2,2,,,,"P.O. Box 92774, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,2,,"PB 92774, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,3,,, 3144,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1543,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Itäkadun perhekeskus/Itäkeskus 2/lastensuojelun avohuollon sosiaalityö,"Eastern child welfare, Itäkeskus 2","Itäkatu 11, käyntiosoite: Tallinnanaukio 1","Östergatan 11, käyntiosoite: Tallinnanaukio 1","Itäkatu 11, käyntiosoite: Tallinnanaukio 1",,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 1691,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00930,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.515188+02:00,,[783],helsinki,[788],[382],{},Point,25.077793,60.20966,"PL 6730, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Östra barnskyddet, Östra centrum 2",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 6730, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 6730, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 3147,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1547,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Pohjoisen lastensuojelu Maunula,"Northern child welfare, Maunula",Suursuonlaita 1,Storkärrskanten 1,Suursuonlaita 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 5015,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00630,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.537340+02:00,,[783],helsinki,[788],[382],"{""fi"": [""lastensuojeluilmoitus""]}",Point,24.936106,60.234783,"PL 8330, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Norra barnskyddet, Månsas",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 8330, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 8330, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 3151,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1496,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Pohjoisen lastensuojelu Malmi,"Northern child welfare, Malmi",Ala-Malmin tori 2,Nedre Malms torg 2,Ala-Malmin tori 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 5015,,,,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00700,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.558436+02:00,,"[783, 1402]",helsinki,"[788, 331]","[806, 382]","{""fi"": [""lastensuojeluilmoitus""]}",Point,25.012949,60.25048,"PL 7900, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Norra barnskyddet, Malm",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 7900, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 7900, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 3258,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_button"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}]",internal,1580,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Oulunkylän asuintalo,Oulunkylä residential home,Mikkolantie 38 A,Mickelsvägen 38 A,Mikkolantie 38 A,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 28448,,,+358 9 310 28448,,,2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00,00640,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.760268+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": null}",[783],helsinki,[2160],[857],{},Point,24.963762,60.238525,"PL 64832, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Åggelby bostadshus,,3,4,,,,"P.O. Box 64832, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,4,,"PB 64832, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,1,,, 4022,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1647,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Suomen Kansallisoopperan Balettioppilaitos, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Finnish National Opera Ballet School, student health care",Rautatieläisenkatu 5,Järnvägsmannagatan 5,Rautatieläisenkatu 5,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 334 0120,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00520,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.905012+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.935837,60.201473,,,,,,"Finlands Nationaloperas Balettskola, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4031,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1579,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, Haagan toimipiste, opiskeluterveydenhuolto/","Haaga-Helia Institute, student health care",Pajuniityntie 11,Videängsvägen 11,Pajuniityntie 11,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 662 4166,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00320,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.945889+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.906712,60.21819,,,,,,"Yrkeshögskolan Haaga-Helia, Haaga enhet, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4056,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1665,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Malmin peruskoulu, Kesälä, kouluterveydenhuolto","Malmi Kesälä, Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Silkokuja 7,Slätgränden 7,Silkokuja 7,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5592,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00700,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.960238+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.015095,60.25624,"PL 70302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Malmin peruskoulu, Kesälä, skolhäklsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 70302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 70302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4059,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1711,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Maatullin ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Maatulli Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Kimnaasipolku 5,Gymnasiestigen 5,Kimnaasipolku 5,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5612,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00750,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.973632+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.028864,60.274616,"PL 75301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Maatullin ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 75301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 75301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4077,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1529,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin suomalainen yhteiskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki Finnish Coeducational School, Specialised School, school health care",Isonnevantie 8,Stormyrvägen 8,Isonnevantie 8,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5609,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00320,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:01.987599+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.88966,60.211605,,,,,,"Högstadieskolan Helsingin suomalainen yhteiskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4081,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""floor_3"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_button"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""is_heavy"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}]",internal,1625,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Vironniemen terveysaseman hammashoitola,Vironniemi Health Station Dental Clinic,"Vironkatu 2, 3. krs","Estnäsgatan 2, 3. vån.","Vironkatu 2, 3. floor",,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 45482,,+358 50 402 0966,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00170,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.015950+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,24.958063,60.172195,"PL 6130, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Estnäs tandklinik,,2,3,,,,"P.O. Box 6130, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,3,,"PB 6130, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,6,,, 4088,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1626,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Pukinmäenkaaren peruskoulu Kenttäpolku, kouluterveydenhuolto","Pukinmäenkaari Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Kenttäpolku 3,Fältstigen 3,Kenttäpolku 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 336 0875,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00700,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.029180+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.998177,60.249725,"PL 70303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grunskolan Pukinmäenkaaren peruskoulu Kenttäpolku, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 70303, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 70303, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4091,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1652,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Stadin ammattiopisto Sturenkadun toimipaikka, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturenkatu unit, student health care",Sturenkatu 18-22,Sturegatan 18-22,Sturenkatu 18-22,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5614,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00510,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.043454+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.95319,60.193424,"PL 51308, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturegatans enhet, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 51308, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 51308, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4094,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1662,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Kulosaaren yhteiskoulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Kulosaari Coeducational School, General Education Upper Secondary School, student health care",Ståhlberginkuja 1,Ståhlbergsgränden 1,Ståhlberginkuja 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5587,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00570,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.056904+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,25.00361,60.187172,,,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Kulosaaren yhteiskoulun lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4129,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1797,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","University of Helsinki Viikki Normal School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Kevätkatu 2,Vårgatan 2,Kevätkatu 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 527 7838,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00790,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.069374+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.030207,60.22731,"PL 30, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto",,,,,"Grundskolan Helsingin Yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 30, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto",,,,,,"PB 30, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto",,,,,, 4138,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 32}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 46}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 47}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""over_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""ramp_under_6m_long"", ""variable"": 45}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""ramp_under_6m_long"", ""variable"": 30}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 31}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}]",internal,1790,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,",25.056059&spn=0.002043,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.178642,25.056059&cbp=12,236.97,,0,-4.5&t=h&z=17&panoid=kSYehGxbTf-IhJeLrpjjNQ",,,,Laajasalon terveysaseman hammashoitola,Laajasalo Health Station Dental Clinic,Koulutanhua 2a,Skoltået 2a,Koulutanhua 2a,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 55026,,+358 9 310 61450,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00840,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.102910+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,25.055986,60.178337,"PL 6310, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Tandkliniken vid Degerö hälsostation,,1,1,,,,"P.O. Box 6310, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,1,,"PB 6310, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,4,,, 4160,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1674,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Malminkartanon ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Malminkartano Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Puustellintie 6,Boställsvägen 6,Puustellintie 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5640,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00410,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.148419+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],"{""fi"": [""kuninkaankolmio""]}",Point,24.859592,60.245884,"PL 41301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Malminkartanon ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 41301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 41301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4161,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1675,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Brändö gymnasium, hälsovård för studerande","Brändö Gymnasium, Upper Secondary School, student health care",Ståhlbergintie 2,Ståhlbergsvägen 2,Ståhlbergintie 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 161 6546,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00570,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.165077+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,25.002321,60.18584,"PL 57301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Brändö gymnasium, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 57301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 57301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4177,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""difficult_to_perceive"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""at_least_4_steps"", ""variable"": 93}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_both_sides"", ""variable"": 95}, {""value"": ""3_consecutive_steps"", ""variable"": 39}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 25}, {""value"": ""3_consecutive_steps"", ""variable"": 24}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 40}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""5"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 94}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""no_handrails"", ""variable"": 26}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""no_handrails"", ""variable"": 41}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 58}]",internal,1721,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Käpylän peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Käpylä Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Väinölänkatu 7,Väinölägatan 7,Väinölänkatu 7,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5580,,,+358 9 310 72414,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00610,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.180485+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""red"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": null}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.947838,60.21068,"PL 61301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Käpylän peruskoulu ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,5,9,,,2,"P.O. Box 61301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,9,,"PB 61301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,5,,, 4185,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1825,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Malmin peruskoulu sivukoulu Pohjola, kouluterveydenhuolto","Malmi Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Kirkonkyläntie 17,Kyrkobyvägen 17,Kirkonkyläntie 17,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5592,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00700,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.219620+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.00414,60.25359,"PL 70302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Malmin peruskoulu, Pohjola, skolhäklsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 70302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 70302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4191,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1776,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Kontulan ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Kontula Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Rintinpolku 4,Grindstigen 4,Rintinpolku 4,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 336 1097,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00940,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.242675+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.09125,60.23214,"PL 94302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Kontulan ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 94302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 94302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4193,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1782,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Hoplaxskolan/Haga lågstadieskola Gymnasiet Lärkan, skolhälsovård","Haga lågstadieskola Gymnasiet Lärkan, Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Isonnevantie 22,Stormyrvägen 22,Isonnevantie 22,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5556,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00320,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.257104+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.890976,60.216694,"PL 32301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Hoplaxskolan/Haga lågstadieskola Gymnasiet Lärkan, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 32301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 32301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4218,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1841,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Latokartanon peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Latokartano Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Agronominkatu 22,Agronomgatan 22,Agronominkatu 22,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 334 0382,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00790,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.308262+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.036472,60.23214,"PL 79301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Latokartanon peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 79301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 79301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4229,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 94}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 31}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""ramp_under_6m_long"", ""variable"": 30}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""no_handrails"", ""variable"": 32}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""no_handrails"", ""variable"": 41}, {""value"": ""no_handrails"", ""variable"": 26}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""2_consecutive_steps"", ""variable"": 39}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 25}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_both_sides"", ""variable"": 95}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""2_consecutive_steps"", ""variable"": 24}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 100}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 40}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""1"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 101}, {""value"": ""ramp_over_6m_long_with_intermediate_landing"", ""variable"": 99}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""at_least_4_steps"", ""variable"": 93}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}]",internal,1918,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Keinutien ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Keinutie Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Keinutie 13,Gungvägen 13,Keinutie 13,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5558,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00940,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.322591+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.06925,60.234955,"PL 94301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Keinutien ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,4,7,,,,"P.O. Box 94301, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,6,,"PB 94301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,7,,, 4233,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""under_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 41}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""at_least_4_steps"", ""variable"": 39}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 40}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}]",internal,1916,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Suutarilan hammashoitola,Suutarila Dental Clinic,Seulastentie 11,Plejadvägen 11,Seulastentie 11,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 53442,,+358 9 310 53441,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00740,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.338478+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""red"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,24.99842,60.275635,"PL 6563, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Skomakarböle tandklinik,,3,4,,,2,"P.O. Box 6563, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,4,,"PB 6563, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,4,,, 4246,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""OTHER_ADDRESS"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""K\u00e4yntiosoite: Valpurintie 5a""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_both_sides"", ""variable"": 32}, {""value"": ""1"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""less_than_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_service_point"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""ramp_under_6m_long"", ""variable"": 30}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""under_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""difficult_to_perceive"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""not_guided_not_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""narrow"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 31}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}]",internal,1687,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Meilahden hammashoitola,Meilahti Dental Clinic,Jalavatie 6a,Almvägen 6a,Jalavatie 6a,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 86571,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00270,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.377800+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""red"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,24.90364,60.192497,"PL 6655, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Mejlans tandklinik,,2,4,,,1,"P.O. Box 6655, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,4,,"PB 6655, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,4,,, 4249,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1725,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Töölön yhteiskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Töölö Coeducational School, Upper Stage, school health care",Urheilukatu 10-12,Idrottsgatan 10-12,Urheilukatu 10-12,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5578,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00250,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.391629+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.923634,60.185257,,,,,,"Högstadieskolan Töölön yhteiskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4278,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1793,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Itäkeskuksen peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Itäkeskus Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Jäätanssipolku 1,Isdansstigen 1,Jäätanssipolku 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 402 2726,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00900,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.404225+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.074316,60.214478,"PL 90302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Itäkeskuksen peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 90302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 90302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4282,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1823,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Lauttasaari Coeducational School, Upper Stage, school health care",Isokaari 19,Storsvängen 19,Isokaari 19,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5604,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00200,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.437882+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.862953,60.15821,,,,,,"Högstadieskolan Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4311,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1798,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Pasilan peruskoulu Maistraatintori, kouluterveydenhuolto","Pasilan peruskoulu Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Maistraatintori 3,Magistratstorget 3,Maistraatintori 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 334 1559,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00240,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.473198+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.924467,60.198906,"PL 24301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Pasilan peruskoulu Magistratstorget, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 24301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 24301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4321,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""over_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 100}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_both_sides"", ""variable"": 101}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""ramp_over_6m_long_with_intermediate_landing"", ""variable"": 99}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""requires_use_of_door_phone_opening_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""not_guided_not_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""less_than_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""1"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""floor_2"", ""variable"": 119}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}]",internal,1849,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Aurinkolahden peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Aurinkolahti Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Iiluodonpiha 1,Iglogården 1,Iiluodonpiha 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 528 3807,,,+358 50 401 3912,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00990,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.506637+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": null}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.14525,60.203354,"PL 98307, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Aurinkolahden peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,2,4,,,,"P.O. Box 98307, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,4,,"PB 98307, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,5,,, 4323,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1700,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Porolahden peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Porolahti Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Roihuvuorentie 2,Kasbergsvägen 2,Roihuvuorentie 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5620,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00820,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.518795+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.051582,60.194855,"PL 82301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Porolahden peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 82301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 82301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4335,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_service_point"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""otherwise_stands_out_clearly"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""over_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 106}]",internal,1730,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,",25.010204&spn=0.00204,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.234488,25.01009&cbp=12,222.37,,0,-4.8&t=h&z=17&panoid=jq-wWbaBJJ6-DfRJYtO0Dw",,,,Pihlajamäen hammashoitola,Pihlajamäki Dental Clinic,Meripihkatie 8,Bärnstensvägen 8,Meripihkatie 8,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 59778,,+358 9 310 59727,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00710,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.532973+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""green"", ""23"": ""green"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,25.009506,60.23427,"PL 6520, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Rönnbacka tandklinik,,,1,,,,"P.O. Box 6520, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,1,,"PB 6520, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,3,,, 4336,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1736,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Roihuvuoren ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Roihuvuori Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Vuorenpeikontie 7,Bergtrollsvägen 7,Vuorenpeikontie 7,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5583,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00820,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.546649+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.05436,60.200966,"PL 82303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Roihuvuoren ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 82303, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 82303, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4339,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1676,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Ruoholahden ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Ruoholahti Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Santakatu 6,Sandgatan 6,Santakatu 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 354 0715,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00180,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.581355+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.91933,60.162342,"PL 18302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Ruoholahden ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 18302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 18302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4350,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1759,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Vartiokylän yläaste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Vartiokylä Comprehensive School, Upper Stage, school health care",Rusthollarintie 6,Rusthållarvägen 6,Rusthollarintie 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5568,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00910,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.600036+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.09874,60.213825,"PL 91302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Högstadieskolan Vartiokylän yläaste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 91302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 91302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4370,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1836,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Drumsö lågstadieskola, skolhälsovård","Drumsö lågstadieskola, Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Tallbergin puistotie 12,Tallbergs allén 12,Tallbergin puistotie 12,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5585,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00200,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.630045+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.87721,60.157345,"PL 20301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Drumsö lågstadieskola, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 20301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 20301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4377,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1778,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin saksalaisen koulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki German School, Specialised Upper Secondary School, student health care",Malminkatu 14,Malmgatan 14,Malminkatu 14,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5616,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00100,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.660060+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.931967,60.166912,,,,,,"Tyska skolans i Helsingfors gymnasium, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4380,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1784,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Mellunmäen ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Mellunmäki Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Rukatunturintie 14,Rukatunturivägen 14,Rukatunturintie 14,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5567,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00970,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.705218+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.12219,60.23301,"PL 97302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Mellunmäen ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 97302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 97302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4381,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1785,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Kuurojen kansanopisto, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Folk High School for the Hearing Impaired, student health care",Ilkantie 4,Ilkkavägen 4,Ilkantie 4,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5569,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00400,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.719494+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.901104,60.22175,,,,,,"Dövas Folkhögskola, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4412,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1718,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin Uusi Yhteiskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki New Coeducational School, Upper Stage, school health care",Lucina Hagmanin kuja 4,Lucina Hagmans gränd 4,Lucina Hagmanin kuja 4,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5582,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00710,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.752374+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.999262,60.238766,,,,,,"Högstadieskolan Helsingin Uusi Yhteiskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4431,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1715,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Eiran aikuislukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Eira High School for Adults, student health care",Laivurinkatu 3,Skepparegatan 3,Laivurinkatu 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 353 5958,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00150,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.765900+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.942871,60.155666,,,,,,"Vuxengymnasiet Eiran aikuislukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4435,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1769,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Yhtenäiskoulun peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Yhtenäiskoulu, Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Louhentie 3,Louhivägen 3,Louhentie 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 667 9272,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00610,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.781976+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.94132,60.21416,"PL 61302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Yhtenäiskoulun peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 61302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 61302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4440,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""difficult_to_perceive"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""over_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""floor_2"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}]",internal,1812,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Pukinmäen hammashoitola,Pukinmäki Dental Clinic,Säterintie 2,Säterivägen 2,Säterintie 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 57376,,+358 9 310 57707,Pukinmä,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00720,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.802497+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""red"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,24.993643,60.24321,"PL 6540, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Bocksbacka tandklinik,,1,2,,,1,"P.O. Box 6540, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,2,,"PB 6540, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,2,,, 4449,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1815,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Alppilan lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Alppila Upper Secondary School, student health care",Mäkipellontie 19,Backåkersvägen 19,Mäkipellontie 19,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 334 1563,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00320,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.817348+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.89863,60.22063,"PL 51311, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Alppilan lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 51311, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 51311, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4476,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1954,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Munkkivuoren ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Munkkivuori Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Raumantie 2,Raumovägen 2,Raumantie 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 334 2480,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00350,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.845946+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.871643,60.20608,"PL 35301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Munkkivuoren ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 35301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 35301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4489,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1950,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Hietakummun ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Hietakumpu Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Hietakummuntie 1,Sandkullavägen 1,Hietakummuntie 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 463 7406,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00700,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.911397+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.016394,60.24671,"PL 70301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Hietakummun ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 70301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 70301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4498,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1897,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Ressun peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Ressu Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Lapinlahdenkatu 10,Lappviksgatan 10,Lapinlahdenkatu 10,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5575,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00180,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.924340+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.925034,60.16709,"PL 18301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Ressun peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 18301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 18301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4499,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_service_point"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}]",internal,1901,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,",24.880064&spn=0.001981,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.238798,24.880065&cbp=12,359.29,,0,-6.18&t=h&z=17&panoid=VE__3BBHz5ar4ExgYevPFA",,,,Kannelmäen terveysaseman hammashoitola,Kannelmäki Health Station Dental Clinic,Kaustisenpolku 6 B,Kaustbystigen 6 B,Kaustisenpolku 6 B,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 47346,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00420,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.941758+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,24.879354,60.23924,"PL 6620, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Tandkliniken vid Gamlas hälsostation,,2,2,,,,"P.O. Box 6620, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,2,,"PB 6620, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,2,,, 4501,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 111}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""floor_2"", ""variable"": 120}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""1_step"", ""variable"": 24}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""floor_2"", ""variable"": 119}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 109}, {""value"": ""on_door"", ""variable"": 110}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""1_step"", ""variable"": 39}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}]",internal,1851,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Laakavuoren ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Laakavuori Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Jänkäpolku 1,Fjällmyrsstigen 1,Jänkäpolku 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5617,,,+358 50 401 3871,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00970,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.958374+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.10951,60.239296,"PL 97301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Laakavuoren ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,2,7,,,,"P.O. Box 97301, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,7,,"PB 97301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,6,,, 4507,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1892,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Töölön yhteiskoulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Töölö Coeducational School, General Education Upper Secondary School, student health care",Urheilukatu 10-12,Idrottsgatan 10-12,Urheilukatu 10-12,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5578,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00250,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.975053+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.923634,60.185257,,,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Töölön yhteiskoulun lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4513,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_button"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""floor_3"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""1"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""over_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}]",internal,1884,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,",25.084544&spn=0.00204,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.237853,25.084549&cbp=12,213.82,,0,-5.98&t=h&z=17&panoid=OPjESd4w7w3gyLGib-krSQ",,,,Kontulan terveysaseman hammashoitola,Kontula Health Station Dental Clinic,Ostoskuja 3,Köpgränden 3,Ostoskuja 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 60495,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00940,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:02.998467+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""green"", ""12"": ""green"", ""13"": ""green"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""green"", ""23"": ""green"", ""31"": ""green"", ""32"": ""green"", ""33"": ""green"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,25.084078,60.237747,"PL 6230, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Tandkliniken vid Gårdsbacka hälsostation,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 6230, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,,,"PB 6230, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,3,,, 4516,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1913,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Puotilan ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Puotila Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Klaavuntie 17,Klåvusvägen 17,Klaavuntie 17,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 402 2743,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00910,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.016181+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.093773,60.21388,"PL 91301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Puotilan ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 91301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 91301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4527,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""less_than_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""5"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""over_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""not_guided_not_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}]",internal,1995,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,",25.066692&spn=0.00204,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.237326,25.066697&cbp=12,191.57,,0,5.52&t=h&z=17&panoid=U9MrbCCF1TLGBnJxWSus8g",,,,Kivikon terveysaseman hammashoitola,Kivikko Health Station Dental Clinic,Kivikonkaari 21,Stensbölebågen 21,Kivikonkaari 21,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 61580,,+358 9 310 61573,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00940,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.036241+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,25.066422,60.23697,"PL 6220, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Tandkliniken vid Stensböle hälsostation,,2,2,,,,"P.O. Box 6220, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,2,,"PB 6220, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,6,,, 4549,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1940,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Suomalais-venäläisen koulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Finnish-Russian School, Specialised Upper Secondary School, student health care",Pelimannintie 16,Spelmansvägen 16,Pelimannintie 16,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5602,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00420,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.105698+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.879473,60.23574,,,,,,"Finsk-ryska skolans gymnasium, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4571,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1964,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Nordsjö lågstadieskola, skolhälsovård","Nordsjö lågstadieskola, Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Ulapparaitti 6,Fjärdstråket 6,Ulapparaitti 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5627,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00980,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.121567+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.139122,60.20865,"PL 98301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan urinkolahden peruskoulu, Auringonpilkku, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 98301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 98301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4590,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1852,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Auroran avohoitovalmennus,Aurora training for outpatient treatment,"Nordenskiöldinkatu 20, rak. 18 A","Nordenskiöldsgatan 20, byggnad 18 A","Nordenskiöldinkatu 20, bldg 18 A",,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 5015,+358 9 310 65689,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00250,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.134090+02:00,,[986],helsinki,[1024],[522],{},Point,24.927237,60.192482,"PL 6800, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Aurora förberedelse för öppenvård,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 6800, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 6800, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4604,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1880,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Gymnasiet Lärkan Haga lågstadieskola, hälsovård för studerande","Gymnasiet Lärkan Haga lågstadieskola, Upper Secondary School, student health care",Isonnevantie 22,Stormyrvägen 22,Isonnevantie 22,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5570,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00320,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.160794+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.890976,60.216694,"PL 32301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Gymnasiet Lärkan Haga lågstadieskola, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 32301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 32301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4618,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2008,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Idän Kotisairaala,Herttoniemi Home Hospital,Laivalahdenkatu 2b,Båtsviksgatan 2b,Laivalahdenkatu 2b,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 55770,+358 9 310 55771,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00880,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.184308+02:00,,[986],helsinki,[1013],[336],{},Point,25.036648,60.19449,"PL 6380, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Östra hemsjukhuset,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 6380, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 6380, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4638,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1934,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Sophie Mannerheimin koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Sophie Mannerheimin koulu, school health care","Sibeliuksenkatu 14, rakennus 4","Sibeliusgatan 14, byggnad 4","Sibeliuksenkatu 14, building 4",,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 336 0190,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00260,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.197111+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.918316,60.180954,"PL 26302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Sophie Mannerheimin koulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 26302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 26302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4650,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2011,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin luonnontiedelukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki School of Natural Sciences, Upper Secondary School, student health care",Mäkelänkatu 84,Backasgatan 84,Mäkelänkatu 84,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5615,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00610,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.212164+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.943846,60.210148,"PL 61303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Helsingin luonnontiedelukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 61303, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 61303, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4655,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1982,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Kaisaniemen ala-asteen koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Kaisaniemi Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Puutarhakatu 1,Trädgårdsgatan 1,Puutarhakatu 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5557,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00100,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.225068+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.947826,60.173294,"PL 10306, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Kaisaniemen ala-asteen koulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 10306, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 10306, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4657,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1956,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Elias-koulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Elias-School, Specialsed Upper Secondary School, student health care",Ehrensvärdintie 31-35,Ehrensvärdsvägen 31-35,Ehrensvärdintie 31-35,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5641,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00150,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.236515+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.936584,60.157364,,,,,,"Eliasskolans gymnasium, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4659,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1882,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Pikku-Huopalahden ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Pikku-Huopalahti Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Tilkankatu 19,Tilkgatan 19,Tilkankatu 19,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5618,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00300,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.248411+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.895178,60.20154,"PL 30301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Pikku-Huopalahden ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 30301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 30301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4667,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1923,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Pakilan ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Pakila Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Paloheinäntie 40 B,Svedängsvägen 40 B,Paloheinäntie 40 B,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5549,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00670,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.259842+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.936245,60.249226,"PL 66301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Pakilan ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 66301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 66301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4678,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1894,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin saksalainen koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki German School, Specialised School, school health care",Malminkatu 14,Malmgatan 14,Malminkatu 14,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5616,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00100,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.290938+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.931967,60.166912,,,,,,"Grundskolan Helsingin Saksalainen koulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4686,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1854,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Marjatta-koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Marjatta-School, school health care",Poutuntie 12,Pouttuvägen 12,Poutuntie 12,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 171 9942,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00400,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.310418+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.90274,60.226086,,,,,,"Marjattakoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4703,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1931,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, opiskeluterveydenhuolto/","Diakonia University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki), student health care",Hämeentie 107,Tavastvägen 107,Hämeentie 107,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 402 5620,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00560,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.327546+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.965832,60.202232,,,,,,"Diakoni-yrkeshögskolan, Helsingfors enhet, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4710,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2005,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Torpparinmäen peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Torpparinmäki Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Ylä-Fallin tie 54,Övre Fallsvägen 54,Ylä-Fallin tie 54,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5565,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00690,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.337676+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.950504,60.263668,"PL 69301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Torpparinmäen peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 69301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 69301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4714,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2009,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin ranskalais-suomalainen koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki French-Finnish School, Specialised School, school health care",Laajalahdentie 23,Bredviksvägen 23,Laajalahdentie 23,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5579,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00330,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.350305+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.878613,60.201847,,,,,,"Fransk-finska skolan i Helsingfors, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4722,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1947,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Konalan ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Konala Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Hilatie 1,Ledvägen 1,Hilatie 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 518 8373,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00390,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.363596+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],"{""fi"": [""kuninkaankolmio""]}",Point,24.838083,60.237217,"PL 39301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Konalan ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 39301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 39301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4732,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoitolasta saa vain kiireellist\u00e4 ja v\u00e4ltt\u00e4m\u00e4t\u00f6nt\u00e4 hoitoa. Hammashoitolassa ei tehd\u00e4 ajanvarauksia."", ""sv"": ""Tandkliniken ger br\u00e5dskande och n\u00f6dv\u00e4ndig tandv\u00e5rd. P\u00e5 tandkliniken g\u00f6rs f\u00f6r n\u00e4rvarande inga tidsbokningar."", ""en"": ""The dental clinic provide only urgent and necessary care. No appointment bookings are made at the clinic at present.""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""under_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""floor_2"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 116}]",internal,1936,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,",25.000269&spn=0.002039,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.254488,25.000266&cbp=12,238.99,,0,-3.56&t=h&z=17&panoid=jd_RGejeJzVpI4Zzu8yKvw",,,,Malmin terveysaseman hammashoitola,Malmi Health Station Dental Clinic,Talvelantie 4,Talvelavägen 4,Talvelantie 4,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 57657,,+358 9 310 57368,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00700,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.379677+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""green"", ""23"": ""green"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,25.001183,60.254093,"PL 6500, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Tandkliniken vid Malms hälsostation,,,1,,,,"P.O. Box 6500, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,1,,"PB 6500, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,2,,, 4745,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1927,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Herttoniemen yhteiskoulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Herttoniemi Coeducational School, General Education Upper Secondary School, student health care",Kettutie 6,Rävvägen 6,Kettutie 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5644,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00800,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.412855+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,25.036577,60.20596,,,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Herttoniemen yhteiskoulun lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4750,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1877,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Grundskolan Norsen, skolhälsovård","Högstadieskolan svenska normallyceum, Comprehensive School, Upper Stage, school health care",Unioninkatu 2,Unionsgatan 2,Unioninkatu 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5605,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00130,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.423541+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.950686,60.16328,"PL 13301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Norsen, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 13301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 13301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4751,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1883,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin Rudolf Steiner-koulu Paraistentie, kouluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki Rudolf Steiner School, Specialised School, Paraistentie, school health care",Paraistentie 3,Pargasvägen 3,Paraistentie 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 518 8373,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00280,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.461038+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.903809,60.200325,,,,,,"Rudolf Steiner-skolan i Helsingfors, Pargasvägen, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4758,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1878,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Etu-Töölön lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Etu-Töölö Upper Secondary School, student health care",Albertinkatu 40-42,Albertsgatan 40-42,Albertinkatu 40-42,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5564,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00180,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.477147+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.930721,60.16465,"PL 10302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Etu-Töölön lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 10302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 10302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4762,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1984,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","University of Helsinki Viikki Normal School, Upper Secondary School, student health care",Kevätkatu 2,Vårgatan 2,Kevätkatu 2,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 527 7838,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00790,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.508269+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,25.030207,60.22731,"PL 30, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto",,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Helsingin Yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulun lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 30, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto",,,,,,"PB 30, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto",,,,,, 4763,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1988,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Lauttasaaren ala-aste, Myllykallion koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Lauttasaari Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Myllykalliontie 3,Kvarnbergsvägen 3,Myllykalliontie 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5597,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00200,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.520320+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.8695,60.16121,"PL 20302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Lauttasaaren ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 20302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 20302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4768,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1907,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Kankarepuiston peruskoulu, yläkoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto/","Jakomäki Comprehensive School, Upper Stage, school health care",Jakomäenpolku 6,Jakobackastigen 6,Jakomäenpolku 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5634,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00770,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.532234+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.080439,60.259502,"PL 77301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Jakomäen peruskoulu, yläkoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 77301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 77301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4769,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,1986,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulun lukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Lauttasaari Coeducational School, General Education Upper Secondary School, student health care",Isokaari 19,Storsvängen 19,Isokaari 19,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5604,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00200,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.548376+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.862953,60.15821,,,,,,"Gymnasieskolan Lauttasaaren yhteiskoulun lukio, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4798,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2133,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Pitäjänmäen peruskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Pitäjänmäki Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Viinenkuja 6,Kogergränden 6,Viinenkuja 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5601,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00370,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.586051+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.859148,60.226654,"PL 37302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Pitäjänmäen peruskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 37302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 37302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4799,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu"", ""sv"": ""Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster"", ""en"": ""Dental care e-service""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Hammashoidon esitietolomake"", ""sv"": ""Tandh\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdens f\u00f6rhandsuppgifter"", ""en"": ""Dental care preliminary information""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """", ""sv"": """", ""en"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 82}, {""value"": ""outdoors"", ""variable"": 2}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""4"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 80}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""ramp_under_6m_long"", ""variable"": 30}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""short_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""under_10m"", ""variable"": 4}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 63}, {""value"": ""guided_and_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_both_sides"", ""variable"": 32}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""at_least_3600mm"", ""variable"": 3}, {""value"": ""chairs_available"", ""variable"": 81}, {""value"": ""floor_3"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 31}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}]",internal,2137,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Oulunkylän terveysaseman hammashoitola,Oulunkylä Health Station Dental Clinic,Kylänvanhimmantie 25,Byäldstevägen 25,Kylänvanhimmantie 25,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 51400,+358 9 310 69600,,+358 9 310 69321,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00640,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.599228+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""green"", ""23"": ""green"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}",[986],helsinki,[995],[184],{},Point,24.963799,60.227764,"PL 6710, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Tandkliniken vid Åggelby hälsostation,,,1,,,,"P.O. Box 6710, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,1,,"PB 6710, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,4,,, 4802,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 83}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""opens_automatically"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 84}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}]",internal,2165,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Kannelmäen peruskoulu yläaste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Kannelmäki Comprehensive School, Upper Stage, school health care",Runonlaulajantie 40,Runosångarvägen 40,Runonlaulajantie 40,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5633,,,+358 9 310 80494,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00420,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.610437+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""green"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""green"", ""21"": ""green"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""green"", ""31"": ""green"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""green"", ""41"": ""green"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": ""red""}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.88243,60.248432,"PL 42302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Högstadieskolan Kannelmäen peruskoulu yläaste, skolhälsovård",,1,1,,,,"P.O. Box 42302, 00099 City of Helsinki",1,,,1,,"PB 42302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,3,,, 4805,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2121,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Ammattiopisto Live, Tenholantien toimipaikka, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Keskuspuisto Vocational Institute, student health care",Tenholantie 12,Tenalavägen 12,Tenholantie 12,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 171 9945,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00280,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.622835+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.908241,60.20296,,,,,,"Centralparkens yrkesinstitut, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4806,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""3"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""not_guided_but_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 35}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""floor_2"", ""variable"": 119}, {""value"": ""under_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""opens_easily_manually"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}]",internal,2126,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Laajasalon peruskoulu, yläaste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Laajasalo Comprehensive School, Upper Stage, school health care",Koulutanhua 1,Skoltået 1,Koulutanhua 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5635,,,+358 50 401 3864,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00840,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.633752+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""red"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": null}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.056108,60.17903,"PL 84301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Högstadieskolan Laajasalon peruskoulu, yläaste, skolhälsovård",,2,4,,,1,"P.O. Box 84301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,4,,"PB 84301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,3,,, 4811,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2122,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Tehtaankadun ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Tehtaankatu Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Eiranranta 1,Eirastranden 1,Eiranranta 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 76220,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00150,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.651057+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.93897,60.154655,"PL 14301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Tehtaankadun ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 14301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 14301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4812,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2123,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Solakallion erityiskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Solakallio Special School, school health care",Kansantie 1,Folkvägen 1,Kansantie 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 553 9332,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00680,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.665884+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.961153,60.24185,"PL 68303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Specialskolan Solakallion erityiskoulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 68303, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 68303, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4820,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2014,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Toivolan koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Toivola School, school health care",Mikkolankuja 3,Mickelsgränden 3,Mikkolankuja 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5549,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00680,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.687071+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.966671,60.240868,"PL 64302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Specialskolan Toivolan koulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 64302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 64302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4845,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]","[{""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 70}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 103}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 48}, {""value"": ""0"", ""variable"": 1}, {""value"": ""ramp_over_6m_long_with_intermediate_landing"", ""variable"": 99}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 50}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 102}, {""value"": ""same_floor_as_entrance"", ""variable"": 108}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 34}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 49}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 53}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 52}, {""value"": ""requires_use_of_buzzer_and_is_heavy"", ""variable"": 54}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 113}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 55}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 22}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 116}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 106}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 44}, {""value"": ""not_guided_not_clear"", ""variable"": 19}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 76}, {""value"": ""canopy_above_entrance"", ""variable"": 36}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 5}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 98}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 117}, {""value"": ""long_term_stay"", ""variable"": 60}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 107}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 37}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 56}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 29}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 62}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 57}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 20}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 105}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 74}, {""value"": ""handrails_on_one_side"", ""variable"": 101}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 115}, {""value"": ""2"", ""variable"": 64}, {""value"": ""over_20mm"", ""variable"": 91}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 23}, {""value"": ""sufficiently_wide"", ""variable"": 18}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 6}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 33}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 59}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 78}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 21}, {""value"": ""indoor_facility"", ""variable"": 500}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 114}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 51}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 38}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 118}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 112}, {""value"": ""smooth"", ""variable"": 17}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 72}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 58}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 75}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 79}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 92}, {""value"": ""is_heavy"", ""variable"": 77}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 73}, {""value"": ""true"", ""variable"": 104}, {""value"": ""false"", ""variable"": 100}]",internal,2047,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Merilahden peruskoulu,Kalvikinniementien toimipiste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Merilahti Comprehensive School, Kalvikinniementie unit, Lower and Upper Stages, school health care",Kallvikinniementie 1,Kallviksuddsvägen 1,Kallvikinniementie 1,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 46033,,,+358 9 310 72616,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00980,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.713815+02:00,"{""00"": null, ""11"": ""red"", ""12"": ""red"", ""13"": ""red"", ""21"": ""red"", ""22"": ""red"", ""23"": ""red"", ""31"": ""red"", ""32"": ""red"", ""33"": ""red"", ""41"": ""red"", ""51"": ""red"", ""52"": ""red"", ""61"": null}","[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,25.132538,60.201607,"PL 98302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Grundskolan Merilahden peruskoulu, Kallviksuddsvägens enhet, skolhälsovård",,3,5,,,1,"P.O. Box 98302, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,5,,"PB 98302, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,8,,, 4854,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2072,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Metsolan ala-aste, kouluterveydenhuolto","Metsola Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care",Etupellontie 6,Framåkersvägen 6,Etupellontie 6,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 50 310 5549,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00680,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.731615+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},Point,24.962687,60.242764,"PL 68301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Lågstadieskolan Metsolan ala-aste, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 68301, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 68301, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4862,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2027,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"Lemmilän koulu, erityiskoulu, kouluterveydenhuolto","Lemmilä School, Special School, school health care",Lemmiläntie 3,,Lemmiläntie 3,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 334 1559,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,05950,,kaikki,hyvinkää,2020-11-27T13:01:03.743274+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",hyvinkää,"[2164, 2165]",[339],{},,,,,,,,,"Specialskolan Lemmilän koulu, skolhälsovård",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4878,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2105,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,"HEO Helsingin Evankelinen Opisto, opiskeluterveydenhuolto","Helsinki Evangelical College, student health care",Mechelininkatu 46,Mechelingatan 46,Mechelininkatu 46,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 40 190 4408,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00250,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.755007+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.915346,60.18486,"PL 8650, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,"Helsingfors evangeliska institut, hälsovård för studerande",,,,,,,"P.O. Box 8650, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 8650, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4885,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}, {""section_type"": ""ESERVICE_LINK"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake""}, ""www"": {""fi"": """"}, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2143,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Opiskelijaterveydenhuollon lääkärit,Student Health Care Physicians,Sibeliuksenkatu 14,Sibeliusgatan 14,Sibeliuksenkatu 14,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 5015,,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00260,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.766458+02:00,,"[986, 1087]",helsinki,"[2166, 2167]",[863],{},Point,24.918316,60.180954,"PL 6100, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Studerandehälsovårdens läkare,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 6100, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 6100, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,, 4886,"[{""section_type"": ""HIGHLIGHT"", ""name"": {""fi"": ""Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117."", ""sv"": ""Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117."", ""en"": ""If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11""}, ""www"": null, ""email"": null, ""phone"": null, ""contact_person"": null}]",[],internal,2145,,,d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6,83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301,SELF_PRODUCED,,municipal_service,kunnallinen palvelu,kommunal tjänst,municipal service,1,,,,,,,,,,Suursuon jalkaterapia,Suursuo foot care,Suursuonlaita 3 B,Storkärrskanten 3 B,Suursuonlaita 3 B,,,,,pvm/mpm,lna/msa,local network charge/mobile call charge,,+358 9 310 5015,+358 9 310 69759,,,,,2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00,00630,,kaikki,helsinki,2020-11-27T13:01:03.778712+02:00,,[986],helsinki,[1040],[206],{},Point,24.933016,60.234814,"PL 6700, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki",,,,,Storkärrs fotvård,,,,,,,"P.O. Box 6700, 00099 City of Helsinki",,,,,,"PB 6700, 00099 Helsingfors stad",,,,,,