55 rows where level = 3 and root = 1087

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Suggested facets: children, parent, keywords, period_enabled, unit_count_municipality_helsinki, unit_count_municipality_espoo, unit_count_municipality_vantaa, unit_count_municipality_kauniainen, last_modified_time (date)

id ▼ children name_fi name_sv name_en service_reference last_modified_time level parent keywords related_services period_enabled root unit_count_municipality_helsinki unit_count_total unit_count_municipality_hanko unit_count_municipality_raasepori unit_count_municipality_siuntio unit_count_municipality_sipoo unit_count_municipality_janakkala unit_count_municipality_nurmijärvi unit_count_municipality_salo unit_count_municipality_virolahti unit_count_municipality_pornainen unit_count_municipality_hämeenlinna unit_count_municipality__unknown unit_count_municipality_lapinjärvi unit_count_municipality_inkoo unit_count_municipality_miehikkälä unit_count_municipality_porvoo unit_count_municipality_lohja unit_count_municipality_tuusula unit_count_municipality_kirkkonummi unit_count_municipality_hamina unit_count_municipality_kouvola unit_count_municipality_loviisa unit_count_municipality_espoo unit_count_municipality_askola unit_count_municipality_kotka unit_count_municipality_mäntsälä unit_count_municipality_vantaa unit_count_municipality_hyvinkää unit_count_municipality_vihti unit_count_municipality_kauniainen unit_count_municipality_järvenpää unit_count_municipality_kerava unit_count_municipality_karkkila unit_count_municipality_pyhtää
1090 [] Päivähoidon järjestämä esiopetus Förskoleundervisning som ordnas av dagvården Pre-primary education organised by day care 58*160+151*160+164*160+188*160+195*160+569*160+607*160+614*160+663*160+773*160+861*160 2019-06-20T11:30:19.029713+03:00 3 1089 {} 1 1087 289 483                                           78       116              
1094 [] Päivähoidon järjestämä esiopetus Förskoleundervisning som ordnas av dagvården Pre-primary education organised by day care 603*160+862*160 2018-10-25T08:00:07.518402+03:00 3 1093 {} 1 1087 27 36                                           9                      
1095 [] Koulun järjestämä esiopetus Förskoleundervisning som ordnas av skolan Pre-primary education organised by school 601*159+862*159 2018-10-25T08:00:07.525080+03:00 3 1093 {} 1 1087 5 9                                                   4              
1096 [] Esi- ja starttiopetus Förskoleundervisning, startklasser Pre-primary and start class education 595 2018-10-25T08:00:07.533093+03:00 3 1093 {} 1 1087   2                                           2                      
1099 [1101, 1102, 2170, 1103, 1100, 1104] Luokkien 1-6 perusopetus Grundläggande utbildning, årskurserna 1-6 Basic education, grades 1-6   2018-10-25T08:00:07.589100+03:00 3 1098 {} 0 1087 110 212                                           62       39 1            
1109 [1111, 1112, 2171, 1113, 1110, 1114] Luokkien 7-9 perusopetus Grundläggande utbildning, årskurserna 7-9 Basic education, grades 7-9   2018-10-25T08:00:07.629842+03:00 3 1098 {} 0 1087 69 121                               1           27       23 1            
1119 [] Lisäopetus (10. luokka) Påbyggnadsundervisning (10:de klass) Supplementary education (10th grade) 657 2018-10-25T08:00:07.670545+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 5 7                                                   2              
1120 [1123, 1124, 1127, 1129, 1122, 1130, 1131, 1135, 1136, 1139, 1141, 1134, 1142, 1143, 1147, 1146, 1160, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2230, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234] Kieliohjelma Språkprogram Language programme   2018-08-07T14:00:25.674488+03:00 3 1098 {} 0 1087 109 213                               1           73       29 1            
1169 [1170, 1171, 1172] Soveltuvuuskoepainotus Intensifierad undervisning, lämplighetstest Emphasis on aptitude tests   2018-08-07T14:00:26.110528+03:00 3 1098 {} 0 1087 40 44                                                   4              
1173 [] Erityisluokkaopetus Undervisning i specialklass Special class education 660 2018-08-07T14:00:26.138862+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 4 10                               1           5                      
1174 [] Ruotsin kielikylpyopetus Språkbadsundervisning på svenska Language immersion education in Swedish 295 2018-08-07T14:00:26.145715+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 13 18                                           4       1              
1177 [] Kansainvälinen opetus (IB) Internationell undervisning (IB) International education (IB) 510 2018-08-07T14:00:26.169911+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 4 6                                           2                      
1181 [1186, 1183, 1182, 2134, 1184] Iltapäivätoiminta Eftermiddagsverksamhet Afternoon activities 656 2018-08-07T14:00:26.201113+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 238 240                                           2                      
1188 [1189] Luokkien 1-6 perusopetus Grundläggande utbildning, årskurserna 1-6 Basic education, grades 1-6   2018-10-25T08:00:08.198860+03:00 3 1187 {} 0 1087 21 37                                           12       4              
1190 [1191] Luokkien 7-9 perusopetus Grundläggande utbildning, årskurserna 7-9 Basic education, grades 7-9   2018-10-25T08:00:08.207545+03:00 3 1187 {} 0 1087 7 12                                           4       1              
1192 [] Lisäopetus (10. luokka) Påbyggnadsundervisning (10:de klass) Supplementary education (10th grade) 597 2018-10-25T08:00:08.215958+03:00 3 1187 {} 1 1087   1                                           1                      
1193 [1194, 1208, 1214, 1215, 1218, 1232, 1233, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240] Kieliohjelma Språkprogram Language programme   2018-08-07T14:00:26.296242+03:00 3 1187 {} 0 1087 21 26                                                   5              
1242 [1244, 1245] Soveltuvuuskoepainotus Intensifierad undervisning, lämplighetstest Emphasis on aptitude tests   2018-08-07T14:00:26.661731+03:00 3 1187 {} 0 1087 1 1                                                                  
1246 [] Erityisluokkaopetus Undervisning i specialklass Special class education 600 2018-08-07T14:00:26.688791+03:00 3 1187 {} 1 1087 2 3                                           1                      
1249 [1251, 1250, 1252] Iltapäivätoiminta Eftermiddagsverksamhet Afternoon activities 596 2018-08-07T14:00:26.711531+03:00 3 1187 {} 1 1087 24 39                                           11       4              
1259 [] Suomenkielinen lukiokoulutus gymnasieutbildning på finska general upper secondary education in Finnish 658 2018-10-25T08:00:08.498186+03:00 3 1258 {"fi": ["suomi"]} 1 1087 30 52                                           14       8              
1260 [] Englanninkielinen lukiokoulutus gymnasieutbildning på engelska general upper secondary education in English 148 2018-10-25T08:00:08.503752+03:00 3 1258 {"fi": ["englanti"]} 1 1087 3 5                                           1       1              
1268 [1270, 1269] Lukion linja Gymnasieutbildning, linjetyp Upper secondary school, type of programme   2018-08-07T14:00:26.852029+03:00 3 1258 {} 0 1087 14 30                                           11       5              
1271 [1274, 1275, 1278, 1280, 1273, 1281, 1272, 1282, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1292, 1284, 1293, 1294] Kieliohjelma Språkprogram Language programme   2018-08-07T14:00:26.871621+03:00 3 1258 {} 0 1087 12 28                                           11       5              
1296 [] Painotettu lukio Gymnasium med betoning Specialised upper secondary school 148*493+161*493+300*493+383*493+566*493+611*493+658*493+770*493+792*493 2018-10-25T08:00:08.739223+03:00 3 1258 {} 1 1087 12 17                                                   5              
1299 [] Ruotsinkielinen lukiokoulutus gymnasieutbildning på svenska general upper secondary education in Swedish 598 2018-08-07T14:00:27.081551+03:00 3 1298 {} 1 1087 4 6                                           1       1              
1300 [1302, 1301] Lukion linja Gymnasieutbildning, linjetyp Upper secondary school, type of programme   2018-08-07T14:00:27.088539+03:00 3 1298 {} 0 1087 3 5                                           1       1              
1303 [1306, 1312, 1313, 1304, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1321, 1324, 1325, 1315, 1326] Kieliohjelma Språkprogram Language programme   2018-08-07T14:00:27.110966+03:00 3 1298 {} 0 1087 3 4                                                   1              
1328 [] Painotettu lukio Gymnasium med betoning Specialised upper secondary school 598*493 2018-08-07T14:00:27.295727+03:00 3 1298 {} 1 1087 2 2                                                                  
1337 [] Aikuisten lukiokoulutus Gymnasieutbildning för vuxna Upper secondary school education for adults 650 2018-08-07T14:00:27.357192+03:00 3 1336 {} 1 1087 2 7                                           2       3              
1338 [] Aikuisten peruskoulutus Grundläggande utbildning för vuxna Basic education for adults 652 2018-08-07T14:00:27.364989+03:00 3 1336 {} 1 1087 3 4                                           1                      
1340 [] Aikuisten lukioaineiden opetus Undervisning i gymnasiets läroämnen för vuxna Education on upper secondary school subjects for adults 649 2018-08-07T14:00:27.379870+03:00 3 1336 {} 1 1087 3 3                                                                  
1341 [] Aikuisten peruskouluaineiden opetus Undervisning i grundskolans läroämnen för vuxna Education on comprehensive school subjects for adults 651 2018-08-07T14:00:27.386151+03:00 3 1336 {} 1 1087 3 3                                                                  
1342 [] Kaksoistutkinto Dubbel gymnasieexamen Upper secondary school dual qualification 408 2018-08-07T14:00:27.393475+03:00 3 1336 {} 1 1087 1 1                                                                  
1344 [] Aikuisten lukiokoulutus Gymnasieutbildning för vuxna Upper secondary school education for adults 590 2018-08-07T14:00:27.406024+03:00 3 1343 {} 1 1087 1 1                                                                  
1345 [] Aikuisten peruskoulutus Grundläggande utbildning för vuxna Basic education for adults 592 2018-08-07T14:00:27.412986+03:00 3 1343 {} 1 1087 1 1                                                                  
1346 [] Aikuisten lukioaineiden opetus Undervisning i gymnasiets läroämnen för vuxna Education on upper secondary school subjects for adults 589 2018-08-07T14:00:27.419564+03:00 3 1343 {} 1 1087 1 1                                                                  
1347 [] Aikuisten peruskouluaineiden opetus Undervisning i grundskolans läroämnen för vuxna Education on comprehensive school subjects for adults 591 2018-08-07T14:00:27.426296+03:00 3 1343 {} 1 1087 1 1                                                                  
1362 [] Asiakaspalvelu Kundtjänst Customer services 665*66 2020-11-18T07:30:12.851359+02:00 3 1361 {} 0 1087 7 9                                           1             1        
1363 [] Opetuspaikat Verksamhetsställen Teaching locations 665*727 2020-11-18T07:30:12.858775+02:00 3 1361 {} 0 1087 44 46                                           1             1        
1366 [] Asiakaspalvelu Kundtjänst Customer services 605*66 2020-11-18T07:30:12.883321+02:00 3 1365 {} 0 1087 2 3                                                         1        
1367 [] Opetuspaikat Verksamhetsställen Teaching locations 605*727 2020-11-18T07:30:12.891173+02:00 3 1365 {} 0 1087 2 3                                                         1        
1368 [] Kirjasto Bibliotek Library 605*313 2020-11-18T07:30:12.898026+02:00 3 1365 {} 0 1087 1 1                                                                  
2014 [] Valmistava opetus luokille 1-2 (maahanmuuttajat) Förberedande undervisning för årskurserna 1-2 (invandrare) Preparatory education for grades 1-2 (immigrants) 843 2018-08-07T14:00:25.463637+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087   3                                                   3              
2050 [] Koulun järjestämät ryhmät Skolornas grupper Groups organised by schools 656*342 2018-08-07T14:00:25.355697+03:00 3 2049 {} 1 1087 28 28                                                                  
2053 [] Järjestöjen ja yhdistysten ryhmät Organisationernas och föreningarnas grupper Groups organised by organisations or associations 656*229 2018-08-07T14:00:25.378466+03:00 3 2049 {} 1 1087 105 105                                                                  
2054 [] Seurakuntien ryhmät Församlingarnas grupper Groups organised by parishes 656*620 2018-08-07T14:00:25.385536+03:00 3 2049 {} 1 1087 18 18                                                                  
2055 [] Autististen ja kehitysvammaisten ryhmät Grupper för autistiska och utvecklingsstörda Groups for autistic and mentally handicapped 656*80 2018-08-07T14:00:25.392562+03:00 3 2049 {} 1 1087 33 33                                                                  
2057 [] Koulun järjestämät ryhmät Skolornas grupper Groups organised by schools 596*342 2018-08-07T14:00:25.406504+03:00 3 2056 {} 1 1087 4 15                                           11                      
2060 [] Järjestöjen ja yhdistysten ryhmät Organisationernas och föreningarnas grupper Groups organised by organisations or associations 596*229 2018-08-07T14:00:25.427391+03:00 3 2056 {} 1 1087 18 22                                                   4              
2061 [] Seurakuntien ryhmät Församlingarnas grupper Groups organised by parishes 596*620 2018-08-07T14:00:25.434875+03:00 3 2056 {} 1 1087 2 2                                                                  
2165 [] Kouluterveydenhuolto Skolhälsovård School health care 339 2018-08-07T14:00:27.619794+03:00 3 1373 {} 0 1087 160 236                               1           1       68 1   5        
2167 [] Opiskeluterveydenhuolto Studenthälsovård Student health care 863 2018-08-07T14:00:27.627209+03:00 3 1373 {} 0 1087 81 154                                           2       68     3        
2215 [] Valmistava opetus luokille 3-6 Förbererande undervisning för årskurserna 3-6 Preparatory education for grades 3-6 893 2020-05-08T12:30:12.951754+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 13 13                                                                  
2216 [] Valmistava opetus luokille 7-9 Förbererande undervisning för årskurserna 7-9 Preparatory education for grades 7-9 894 2020-05-08T12:30:12.979716+03:00 3 1098 {} 1 1087 9 9                                                                  

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [service_node] (
   [children] TEXT,
   [name_fi] TEXT,
   [name_sv] TEXT,
   [name_en] TEXT,
   [service_reference] TEXT,
   [last_modified_time] TEXT,
   [level] INTEGER,
   [parent] INTEGER,
   [keywords] TEXT,
   [related_services] TEXT,
   [period_enabled] INTEGER,
   [root] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_municipality_helsinki] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_total] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_municipality_hanko] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_raasepori] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_siuntio] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_sipoo] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_janakkala] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_nurmijärvi] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_salo] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_virolahti] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_pornainen] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_hämeenlinna] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality__unknown] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_lapinjärvi] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_inkoo] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_miehikkälä] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_porvoo] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_lohja] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_municipality_tuusula] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_kirkkonummi] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_hamina] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_kouvola] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_loviisa] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_espoo] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_municipality_askola] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_kotka] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_mäntsälä] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_vantaa] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_municipality_hyvinkää] INTEGER,
   [unit_count_municipality_vihti] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_kauniainen] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_järvenpää] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_kerava] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_karkkila] TEXT,
   [unit_count_municipality_pyhtää] TEXT