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Innostavat opettajat ja opetusmenetelmät sekä mukavat lukiokaverit takaavat miellyttävän oppimisympäristön, jossa saavutetaan erinomaisia tuloksia. Olarilaiset jatkavat lukion jälkeen nopeasti akateemisiin jatko-opintoihin.Matematiikka- ja luonnontiedelukioon valitaan vuosittain 36 opiskelijaa, joilla on opinnoissaan normaalia enemmän matematiikan ja/tai luonnontieteiden opintoja. Olari general upper secondary school has a general as well as a mathematics and natural sciences -weighted programme.Our school's atmosphere promotes learning. We have encouraging teachers and ways of teaching. Our friendly students as well quarantee that the learning environment is enjoyable, and excellent resuts can be achieved. Olari students most often continue directly to further academic studies. Each year, 36 students are chosen into our mathematics and natural sciences programme. In their syllabi, either mathematics or natural sciences courses are weighted.   Olarin lukio Olarin lukio Olarinniityntie 4 Olarsängsvägen 4 Olarinniityntie 4 http://www.espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Lukiokoulutus/Espoon_lukiot/Olarin_lukio http://www.espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Lukiokoulutus/Espoon_lukiot/Olarin_lukio http://english.espoo.fi/en-US/Childcare_and_education/Upper_Secondary_Schools   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 8164 3240   +358 9 8164 3240 olarinlukio@espoo.fi   2015-11-03T12:03:45+02:00 02210 www.espoo.fi kaikki espoo 2020-03-13T09:31:04.550034+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "green", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087] espoo [1274, 1280, 1273, 1281, 1286, 1289, 1292, 1284, 1293, 1259, 1269] [816, 658, 97, 96, 95, 92, 89, 12, 11, 10, 4] {"fi": ["koulu", "Lukio"]} Point 24.737453 60.180496 PL 3334, 02070 ESPOON KAUPUNKI           Olarin lukiossa toimii yleislukio ja matematiikka- ja luonnontiedelukio.   2       P.O. Box 3334, 02070 ESPOO CITY 1     2   PB 3334, 02070 ESBO STAD     5 Olari general upper secondary school has a general as well as a mathematics and natural sciences -weighted programme.