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Käykää tykkäämässä meistä Facebookissa, niin näette mitä kaikkea mahtavaa Viherkalliossa tapahtuu! Viherkallion koulu is the 3rd oldest school in Espoo located in the middle of beautiful Finnish nature. It has been established in 1914. The school building was built in 1958 and it has been renovated in 2006.There are class levels from pre-primary education (optional) to sixth grade with 350 pupils and 30 teachers working in close co-operation with 7 assistants in our school. In addition to Finnish pupils we have 16 different nationalities, 10% of total amount of pupils, presented in our school.In Viherkallion koulu we want to emphasize multiple ways of finding and processing information within a secure and well-mannered learning environment. The work philosophy of our school consists of three main focus areas: To find information in different ways - especially using ICT - and make something new of it. To use different ways to learn and to use different kinds of pedagogic ideas - with a strong emphasis on drama - as well as to learn to use various interaction skills in living and learning. We believe above mentioned skills are of great value in future life.   Viherkallion koulu Viherkallion koulu Kievarinraitti 3 Gästgivarsstråket 3 Kievarinraitti 3 http://espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Perusopetus/Peruskoulut/Alakoulut/Viherkallion_koulu http://espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Perusopetus/Peruskoulut/Alakoulut/Viherkallion_koulu http://www.espoo.fi/en-US/Childcare_and_education/Comprehensive_education   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 8163 2652   +358 9 8163 2650 mikko.leppanen@espoo.fi   2015-11-03T12:03:45+02:00 02710 www.espoo.fi kaikki espoo 2020-03-13T09:31:04.619846+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "green"} [1087] espoo [1100] [661] {"fi": ["ala-aste", "koulu"]} Point 24.742992 60.22984 PL 71305, 02070 ESPOON KAUPUNKI           Tervetuloa Viherkallion kouluun!Koulussamme on oppilaita noin 400, vuosiluokilla 1-6 sekä esiopetuksessa. 1 1     1 P.O. Box 71305, 02070 ESPOO CITY       1   PB 71305, 02070 ESBO STAD     5 Viherkallion koulu is the 3rd oldest school in Espoo located in the middle of beautiful Finnish nature. It has been established in 1914.