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Koulu toimii 1960-luvun alussa valmistuneessa ja vuonna 2000 peruskorjatussa rakennuksessa viihtyisän ja vihreän Friisilän alueen keskellä.Koulussa kehitetään toimintatapoja ja - menetelmiä vastaamaan oppilaitten tarpeisiin. Opetuksessa pyritään ottamaan erilaisia eriyttämisen keinoja käyttöön, jotta jokainen oppilas oppisi ja motivoituisi opiskelusta. Opetuksessa korostetaan oppimisen perustaitoja ja panostamme tukitoimiin. Perustaitoja ovat myös vankat tieto- ja viestintätekniikan taidot. Our school is a primary comprehensive school with grades 1-6. Pupils have 20-26 hours of classes per week depending on their grade. Classes are usually held in a specific classroom where the class teacher teaches most subjects. Our school has a language teacher for English and Swedish.Some of the methods to improve the social skills and participationAggression Replacement Training (ART): is cognitive behavioral intervention focused on adolescents. It is a multimodal program that has three components; Social skills, Anger Control Training and Moral Reasoning.Pupil association:Pupils vote for a representative from each grade into the board of the school's student association. The board plans presentations and proposals, improves everyday life at school from the perspective of pupils, develops the pupils' possibilities to have an influence and improves the communal sprit of the school.General, intensified and special support for learningIn addition to quality basic education, each pupil is entitled to sufficient guidance and support for learning and schooling. The forms of support include e.g. remedial teaching, part-time special needs education, simultaneous education, flexible grouping of teaching groups, differentiation of teaching and the contribution of a special needs assistant.Every pupil is entitled to general support during basic education. If this is not enough, the pupil receives comprehensive, long-term intensified support. The supportive measures of intensified support are more regular and can be combined. The pupil can also receive special support either in a special class, part-time special class or, if possible, in connection with other teaching. The organisation of education observes the pupil's best interests, learning potential and the special demands set for the learning environment.Pupils are also supported by interpretation and assistant services as well as special needs assistants in compliance with the Basic Education Act and the Services and Assistance for the Disabled Act.Pupil and student welfare is responsible for the physical, mental and social wellbeing of pupils and students aiming to identify the pupils' need for support as early as possible. The support is provided by a school social worker, a psychologist and School health care staff. The pupil welfare service are free of charge and confidential. It is organised in cooperation with parents and teachers.Guidance in studies and choicesAll teachers are responsible for guiding pupils in their studies. The guidance is particularly important when the pupil transfers to another school, is making choices concerning his/her studies and during joint applications. In our school the guidance is provided in connection with various subjects and other school activities.Learning new languagesIn our school compulsory foreign language for every pupil is English from the 3rd grade. Pupils are may also choose optional foreign language Swedish from the 4th grade.Education of linguistic and cultural groupsThe educational aim for different linguistic and cultural groups is to ensure that pupils obtain the skills and knowledge of comprehensive school and also a functional bilingualism including equal opportunities to pursue further studies. Pupils whose Finnish language skills are not at the mother tongue level study Finnish as a second language.After-school activitiesPupils in 1st and 2nd grade as well as pupils in higher grades who are in need of special support can apply for supervised free-time activities after school. It is organised by a private entrepreneur in the school building and in the building beside the school. Afternoon activities are subject to a fee.Our school has various clubs at school after the school day (sports and exercise, music, handicrafts, theatre and performance and languages). The instructors are usually teachers or occasionally experts from outside the school.   Friisilän koulu Friisilän koulu Holmanniitynkuja 10 Holmängsgränden 10 Holmanniitynkuja 10 http://www.espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Perusopetus/Peruskoulut/Alakoulut/Friisilan_koulu http://www.espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Perusopetus/Peruskoulut/Alakoulut/Friisilan_koulu http://www.espoo.fi/en-US/Childcare_and_education/Comprehensive_education   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 8164 3114   +358 9 8164 3114 elina.taskinen@espoo.fi   2015-11-03T12:03:45+02:00 02240 www.espoo.fi kaikki espoo 2020-03-13T09:31:04.787903+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087] espoo [1123, 1134, 1146, 1100] [661, 108, 34, 15] {"fi": ["ala-aste", "koulu"]} Point 24.70728 60.169693 PL 24301, 02070 ESPOON KAUPUNKI           Friisilän koulu on Matinkylä-Olarin alueella sijaitseva alakoulu, jonka oppilasmäärä on noin 135. 3 5       P.O. Box 24301, 02070 ESPOO CITY 1     5   PB 24301, 02070 ESBO STAD     7 Our school is a primary comprehensive school with grades 1-6. Pupils have 20-26 hours of classes per week depending on their grade.