unit: 15374

This data as json

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15374 [{"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Anna palautetta"}, "www": {"fi": "https://easiointi.espoo.fi/eFeedback/fi/Home"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "1_step", "variable": 24}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "1_step", "variable": 39}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}] internal 4427     d8dab34f-a68f-4244-b906-84e7f651b8e1 520a4492-cb78-498b-9c82-86504de88dce SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1             Merisaappaan koulun toiminta-ajatuksena on peruskouluopetuksen turvaaminen lapsille ja nuorille, joilla on sosiaalisia, emotionaalisia tai muita koulunkäyntiin liittyviä haasteita. Merisaappaan koulu on erityiskoulu. Koulu toimii yhteistyössä lastensuojelun kanssa. Koulussa toimii myös ryhmämuotoisen yksityisopetuksen ryhmät. Lisäksi koulussamme toimii etappiluokka, joka tarjoaa tukea koulunkäyntiin yleisen ja tehostetun tuen oppilaille. Merisaappaan koulu has, as its operating principle, to ensure and safeguard the elementary school education for children and youth with social, emotional or other challenges relating to attendance at school. Merisaapas is a special school that operates in conjunction with five different child protection units. In addition, the school has an adolescent psychiatric class for a small number of pupils.   Merisaappaan koulu Merisaappaan koulu Merisaapas 6 Sjöstöveln 6 Merisaapas 6 http://espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Perusopetus/Peruskoulut/Erityiskoulut/Merisaappaan_koulu http://espoo.fi/fi-FI/Kasvatus_ja_opetus/Perusopetus/Peruskoulut/Erityiskoulut/Merisaappaan_koulu http://www.espoo.fi/en-US/Childcare_and_education/Comprehensive_education   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 8165 4300   +358 9 8165 4301     2015-11-03T12:03:45+02:00 02320 www.espoo.fi kaikki espoo 2020-03-13T09:31:04.984361+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087] espoo [1173] [660, 121, 119, 108, 35, 34, 27, 22, 15] {"fi": ["koulu"]} Point 24.644981 60.147697 PL 32301, 02070 ESPOON KAUPUNKI           Merisaappaan koulun toiminta-ajatuksena on peruskouluopetuksen turvaaminen lapsille ja nuorille, joilla on koulunkäyntiin liittyviä haasteita. 2 4       P.O. Box 32301, 02070 ESPOO CITY 1     4   PB 32301, 02070 ESBO STAD     1 Merisaapas is a special school that operates in conjunction with five different child protection units.