unit: 18510
This data as json
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18510 | [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 06-18", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 06-18", "en": "open Mon-Fri 06-18"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kotimme on avoinna klo 6-18 ennalta sovitusti tarpeen mukaan."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodin johtaja"}, "www": null, "email": "teresa.niininen@vantaa.fi", "phone": "+358 50 314 5659", "contact_person": "Teresa Niininen"}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodin varajohtaja"}, "www": null, "email": "henrikka.lahtinen@vantaa.fi", "phone": "+358 43 827 2165", "contact_person": "Henrikka Lahtinen"}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Lapsiryhm\u00e4"}, "www": null, "email": "pk.metsolanmaki@vantaa.fi", "phone": "+358 43 827 2167", "contact_person": "Hattivatit"}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Lapsiryhm\u00e4"}, "www": null, "email": "pk.metsolanmaki@vantaa.fi", "phone": "+358 43 827 2166", "contact_person": "Hemulit"}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Lapsiryhm\u00e4"}, "www": null, "email": "pk.metsolanmaki@vantaa.fi", "phone": "+358 50 314 5658", "contact_person": "Muumit"}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Lapsiryhm\u00e4"}, "www": null, "email": "pk.metsolanmaki@vantaa.fi", "phone": "+358 50 314 5657", "contact_person": "Myyt"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Anna palautetta", "sv": "Ber\u00e4tta din \u00e5sikt", "en": "Tell us your opinion"}, "www": {"fi": "https://asiointi.vantaa.fi/anna-palautetta", "sv": "https://asiointi.vantaa.fi/anna-palautetta", "en": "https://asiointi.vantaa.fi/anna-palautetta"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] | [{"value": "3_consecutive_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 42}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "1", "variable": 1}, {"value": "at_least_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 41}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 43}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 47}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}] | internal | 5114 | ab4f37d0-3e53-462e-ad40-c73b57e3e39e | 6d78f89c-9fd7-41d9-84e0-4b78c0fa25ce | SELF_PRODUCED | municipal_service | kunnallinen palvelu | kommunal tjänst | municipal service | 1 | https://vantaa.emmi.fi/l/SxJvGjSS5Bsg | Talossamme toimii neljä ryhmää, joista yksi on integroitu erityisryhmä. Tarjoamme varhaiskasvatusta ja esiopetusta. Päiväkotimme toiminta-ajatuksena on, että kaikki yhdessä toimimalla hyvässä vuorovaikutuksessa lasta ja perhettä kuunnellen, turvaamme lapsille hyvän arjen ja kasvuympäristön. Toiminnassamme korostuu monikulttuurisuus. Sen ymmärtäminen ja erilaisuuden arvostaminen ja huomioiminen on kaiken toimintamme taustalla ja lähtökohtana. | Metsolanmäen päiväkoti | Metsolanmäen päiväkoti | Soopelipolku 4 | Sobelstigen 4 | Soopelipolku 4 | http://www.vantaa.fi/varhaiskasvatus_ja_koulutus/varhaiskasvatus/palvelut/paivakodit/korso/metsolanmaen_paivakoti | http://www.vanda.fi/smabarnspedagogik_och_utbildning/smabarnspedagogik/olika_alternativ/daghem | http://www.vantaa.fi/day_care_and_education/early_childhood_education/early_childhood_education_options/day_care_centers | pvm/mpm | lna/msa | local network charge/mobile call charge | +358 9 839 11 | etunimi.sukunimi@vantaa.fi | +358 9 8393 2247 | pk.metsolanmaki@vantaa.fi | 2014-11-19T17:01:21+02:00 | 01450 | www.vantaa.fi | kaikki | vantaa | 2020-11-05T16:31:12.048999+02:00 | {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "green", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} | [1087, 1405] | vantaa | [879, 1090, 2125, 871, 1089, 2122, 870] | [861, 663, 160] | {"fi": ["varhaiskasvatus", "p\u00e4iv\u00e4koti", "p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoito", "esiopetus", "eskari", "tarha", "lastentarha"]} | Point | 25.081717 | 60.34785 | PL 6431, 01030 Vantaan kaupunki | Metsolanmäen päiväkoti. Kuva: Vantaan kaupunki. | Metsolanmäen päiväkoti | Päiväkodissamme toimii neljä ryhmää, joista yksi on integroitu erityisryhmä. Tarjoamme varhaiskasvatusta ja esiopetusta. | 1 | Metsolanmäen päiväkoti. Bild: Vanda stad. | P.O. Box 6431, 01030 City of Vantaa | 1 | 1 | PB 6431, 01030 Vanda stad | 5 | Metsolanmäen päiväkoti. Photo: City of Vantaa. |