unit: 21432
This data as json
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21432 | [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Karatalo on suljettuna 31.5.2021 asti.", "sv": "Karahuset \u00e4r st\u00e4ngt till 31.5.2021.", "en": "Karatalo is closed until 31 May 2021."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] | [{"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "at_least_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "true", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 98}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 24}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 26}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 97}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 99}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "1", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 93}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 101}, {"value": "false", "variable": 27}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 100}, {"value": "true", "variable": 28}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 95}, {"value": "ramp_over_6m_long_no_intermediate_landing", "variable": 45}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "waiting_not_necessary", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "ramp_over_6m_long_no_intermediate_landing", "variable": 30}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 94}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open", "variable": 54}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 96}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}] | internal | 5943 | d8dab34f-a68f-4244-b906-84e7f651b8e1 | 520a4492-cb78-498b-9c82-86504de88dce | SELF_PRODUCED | municipal_service | kunnallinen palvelu | kommunal tjänst | municipal service | 1 | Karatalo on monipuolinen kulttuurin, taiteen ja vapaa-ajan harrastus- ja tapahtumapaikka. Karatalossa toimii myös nuorisopalvelut ja talossa on erilaisia opetus- ja toimintatiloja, joissa järjestetään mm. SVEBIn (Svenska bildningstjänster eli ruotsinkieliset sivistyspalvelut), Espoon kuvataidekoulun, Musiikkiopisto Juvenalian, Rytmimusiikkiopisto Taukon ja Omnian (Espoon työväenopisto) opetusta. Lisäksi Karatalossa harjoittelee aktiivinen joukko erilaisia harrasteryhmiä.Karatalossa huomioidaan lähiseudun asukkaiden toiveet ja laajemman yleisön kiinnostuksen kohteet. Karatalossa järjestetään toimintaa ja ohjelmaa kaikille. Karatalon kynnys on matala: osallistu, tule katsomaan ja kokeilemaan − juuri sellaisena kuin olet. | Karatalo is a diverse venue for culture, art and recreational activities. The building also houses youth services and facilities for teaching and activities. The organisations providing teaching include Swedish Education and Cultural Services, Espoo School of Art, Juvenalia Music Institute, Rhythm Music School Tauko and Omnia (Espoo Adult Education Centre). In addition, an active group of different recreational groups rehearse in Karatalo.Karatalo takes the wishes of local residents and the interests of the public at large into account. Activities and events are arranged for everyone. Karatalo is a low-threshold venue: participate, see and try your hand at a variety of activities - come as you are. | Karatalo | Karatalo | Kotkatie 4 | Örnvägen 4 | Kotkatie 4 | https://www.kulttuuriespoo.fi/fi/node/904 | https://www.kulttuuriespoo.fi/sv/node/904 | https://www.kulttuuriespoo.fi/en/node/904 | pvm/mpm | lna/msa | local network charge/mobile call charge | +358 9 8168 2708 | 2015-11-03T12:03:45+02:00 | 02620 | www.espoo.fi | kaikki | espoo | 2020-12-07T12:31:09.130955+02:00 | {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} | [1403] | espoo | [354, 355, 356, 754, 357, 752, 360] | [694, 474, 405, 356, 345, 329] | {"fi": ["kirjallisuus", "kulttuuri", "kuvataide", "elokuva", "kulttuuriavustukset", "kulttuuritalot", "kulttuuritoiminta", "lastentapahtumat", "sirkus", "suomenkielinen kulttuuri", "taideharrastus", "vapaa-aika", "tanssi", "kulttuuripalvelut", "musiikki", "teatteri"], "sv": ["dans", "litteratus", "ruotsinkielinen kulttuuri", "kultur", "kulturhus", "teater"], "en": ["theatre", "culture", "film"]} | Point | 24.76183 | 60.229053 | Karabackahuset | Harrastus- ja tapahtumapaikka Karakalliossa | 2 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 5 | Fritids- och evenemangsplats i Karabacka | Karahuset är en mångsidig fritids- och evenemangsplats för kultur, konst och hobbyer. I huset finns även ungdomstjänster och olika undervisnings- och verksamhetslokaler där bland annat SVEBI (Svenska bildningstjänster), Esbo bildkonstskola, musikinstitutet Juvenalia, Rytmimusiikkiopisto Tauko och Omnia (Esbo arbetarinstitut) ordnar undervisning. Dessutom övar olika hobbygrupper i Karahuset.I Karahuset uppmärksammar vi önskemålen från områdets invånare men också det som intresserar en bredare publik. I huset ordas verksamhet och program för alla. Karatalo har en låg tröskel: delta, se och pröva - kom som du är. | 8 | A place for hobby activities and events in Karakallio |