unit: 46239

This data as json

id connections accessibility_properties identifiers_0_namespace identifiers_0_value identifiers_1_namespace identifiers_1_value department root_department provider_type organizer_type contract_type_id contract_type_description_fi contract_type_description_sv contract_type_description_en is_active deleted_at organizer_name organizer_business_id picture_url picture_entrance_url streetview_entrance_url description_fi description_en short_description name_fi name_en street_address_fi street_address_sv street_address_en www_fi www_sv www_en address_postal_full call_charge_info_fi call_charge_info_sv call_charge_info_en picture_caption phone fax accessibility_phone accessibility_email accessibility_www created_time address_zip data_source extensions_maintenance_group extensions_maintenance_organization last_modified_time accessibility_viewpoints root_service_nodes municipality service_nodes services keywords location_type location_coordinates_0 location_coordinates_1 address_postal_full_fi identifiers_2_value picture_caption_fi call_charge_info www name_sv short_description_fi accessibility_shortcoming_count_reduced_mobility accessibility_shortcoming_count_wheelchair location picture_caption_sv accessibility_shortcoming_count_stroller address_postal_full_en accessibility_shortcoming_count_hearing_aid street_address contract_type accessibility_shortcoming_count_rollator identifiers_2_namespace address_postal_full_sv short_description_sv description_sv accessibility_shortcoming_count_visually_impaired short_description_en description picture_caption_en
46239 [] [] internal 17102     b5c38de6-66f7-4d1e-befb-eeca69e4f99c b5c38de6-66f7-4d1e-befb-eeca69e4f99c SELF_PRODUCED   private_service yksityinen palvelu privat tjänst private service 1       https://www.aalto.fi/sites/g/files/flghsv161/files/styles/2_3_1380w_600h_n/public/2020-02/computer_science_building_aalto_university_photo_matti_ahlgren.png?h=d1cb525d&itok=On3D5Iyd     Tietotekniikan laitoksen tutkimus ja opetus edustavat maailman huippuluokkaa. Tietotekniikka ja digitalisaatio luovat pohjan tulevaisuuden tieteelle, tekniikalle ja yhteiskunnalle. Aalto-yliopistossa tietotekniikka on ala, jossa tieteellinen perustutkimus yhdistyy innovatiivisiin sovelluksiin.Tietotekniikan laitos on yli 40:n professorin ja yli 400 työntekijän ansiosta Aalto-yliopiston suurin laitos ja Suomen suurin tietotekniikkayksikkö. Laitos on osa Otaniemen kampuksella sijaitsevaa Aalto-yliopiston perustieteiden korkeakoulua. The Department of Computer Science provides world-class research and education in modern computer science to foster future science, engineering and society. The work combines fundamental research with innovative applications.With over 40 professors and more than 400 employees it is the largest department at Aalto University and the largest Computer Science unit in Finland. It is routinely ranked among the top 10 Computer Science departments in Europe and in the top 100 globally. The department is part of the School of Science in Aalto University, located on the Otaniemi campus.   Aalto-yliopiston perustieteiden korkeakoulun tietotekniikan laitos The Department of Computer Science Konemiehentie 2 Maskinbyggarvägen 2 Konemiehentie 2 https://www.aalto.fi/fi/tietotekniikan-laitos https://www.aalto.fi/sv/institutionen-for-datateknik https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-computer-science   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 50 441 0615         2015-09-11T15:59:06+03:00 02150   kaikki espoo 2020-05-22T16:02:01.979323+03:00   [1087] espoo [1359] [822] {} Point 24.822557 60.18699 PL 15400, 00076 Aalto   Tietotekniikan talo     Institutionen för datateknik Tietotekniikan laitoksen tutkimus ja opetus edustavat maailman huippuluokkaa.           P.O. Box 15400, 00076 Aalto           PB 15400, 00076 Aalto Institutionen för datateknik bedriver forskning och utbildning i världsklass inom modern datavetenskap Institutionen för datateknik bedriver forskning och utbildning i världsklass inom modern datavetenskap för att främja framtida forskning och teknik och vårt framtida samhälle. Arbetet kombinerar grundforskning med innovativa tillämpningar.Med 44 professorer och över 400 anställda är det den största institutionen på Aalto-universitetet och den största enheten för datateknik i Finland. Institutionen är en del av Högskolan för teknikvetenskaper vid Aalto-universitetet och ligger på campus i Otnäs.   The Department of Computer Science provides world-class research and education in modern computer science   Computer Science building