4 rows where accessibility_shortcoming_count_stroller = 2 and accessibility_shortcoming_count_wheelchair = 13

View and edit SQL

Suggested facets: contract_type_id, street_address_sv, accessibility_phone, created_time, accessibility_viewpoints, municipality, keywords, location_coordinates_0, location_coordinates_1, address_postal_full_fi, last_modified_time (date)

created_time (date)




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19117 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "COVID-19: Kiirreellinen hammashoito puh. 09 8393 5300 ma-to klo 7.30-15.00, pe klo 7.30-14.00."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 31}, {"value": "true", "variable": 94}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 50}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 43}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 22}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 32}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 26}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "rough", "variable": 17}, {"value": "2_consecutive_steps", "variable": 24}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 97}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 100}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 28}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 95}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 92}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "2_consecutive_steps", "variable": 93}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 47}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "2_consecutive_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "true"… internal 5443     8809b663-71b1-43bd-a894-ac7d0c503427 6d78f89c-9fd7-41d9-84e0-4b78c0fa25ce SELF_PRODUCED   service_by_municipally_owned_company kunnan liikelaitoksen palvelu tjänst från kommunalt affärsverk service by municipally owned company 1                   Sotungin koulun hammashoitola Dental clinic at Sotungin koulu Sotungintie 19 Sottungsbyvägen 19   http://www.vantaa.fi/terveys-_ja_sosiaalipalvelut/terveyspalvelut/hammashoito/hammashoitolat http://www.vanda.fi/halsovard_och_sociala_tjanster/halsovardstjanster/tandvard/tandklinikerna http://www.vantaa.fi/en/social_and_health_care_services   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 839 11   +358 9 8393 0874 jaana.nissinen vantaa.fi 2014-11-19T17:01:21+02:00 01200 www.vantaa.fi kaikki vantaa 2020-05-05T09:30:55.737729+03:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] vantaa [995] [184] {} Point 25.121601 60.28021 Sotungintie 19, 01200 Vantaa         Tandkliniken vid Sotungin koulu   8 13     2   1     10         9      
24048 [{"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Anna palautetta"}, "www": {"fi": "https://asiointi.vantaa.fi/anna-palautetta"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 50}, {"value": "is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "4", "variable": 64}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 43}, {"value": "difficult_to_perceive", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 94}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 97}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "at_least_4_turning_steps", "variable": 93}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 96}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 22}, {"value": "rough", "variable": 17}, {"value": "2_consecutive_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 95}, {"value": "false", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 41}… internal 7492     744852ab-9425-4329-9d1d-96fe0f132f63 6d78f89c-9fd7-41d9-84e0-4b78c0fa25ce SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1             Kuraattori auttaa lasta ja nuorta esimerkiksi perhetilanteeseen liittyvissä asioissa, kaverisuhteissa ja koulunkäyntiin liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Oppilaan tilannetta helpottavia ratkaisuja etsitään yhdessä oppilaan ja huoltajien kanssa. Kuraattori voi tavata oppilasta koulussa kahden kesken tai yhdessä perheen tai muiden läheisten kanssa. Tapaamisten sisältö muotoutuu oppilaan tarpeiden mukaan.     Kuraattoripalvelut / Tuomelan koulu   Ainontie 44 Ainovägen 44 Ainontie 44 http://www.vantaa.fi/varhaiskasvatus_ja_koulutus/perusopetus/koululaisen_hyvinvointi_ja_terveys/koulukuraattoripalvelut http://www.vanda.fi/smabarnspedagogik_och_utbildning/grundlaggande_utbildning/valmaende_och_halsa/skolkuratorstjanster http://www.vantaa.fi/en/social_and_health_care_services   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 8393 9105   +358 40 532 7344 tiina.turkia@vantaa.fi   2014-11-19T17:01:21+02:00 01630 www.vantaa.fi kaikki vantaa 2020-03-13T09:31:21.861704+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087] vantaa [1374] [340] {} Point 24.785645 60.265545 Ainontie 44, 01630 Vantaa         Kuratorservice / Tuomelan koulu Kuraattoreiden tehtävänä on tukea lasten ja nuorten koulunkäyntiä, hyvinvointia sekä kasvua ja kehitystä. 8 13     2   1     13         13      
24113 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "COVID-19: Koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollon keskitetyt puhelinpalvelut, kouluterveydenhuolto p. 09 8395 0025 ma-pe klo 8-15 ja opiskeluterveydenhuolto p. 09 8395 0035 ma-pe klo 8-15."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Anna palautetta"}, "www": {"fi": "https://asiointi.vantaa.fi/anna-palautetta"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 97}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 96}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 41}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "2_consecutive_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "rough", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "4", "variable": 64}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 43}, {"value": "true", "variable": 92}, {"value": "at_least_4_turning_steps", "variable": 93}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open", "variable": 54}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 95}, {"value": "difficult_to_perceive", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 94}, {"value": "false", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}… internal 7287     4738c8e5-8bab-40c2-865d-5b28e64d7591 6d78f89c-9fd7-41d9-84e0-4b78c0fa25ce SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuolto / Tuomelan koulu School and student health care / Tuomelan opetuspiste Ainontie 44 Ainovägen 44 Ainontie 44 http://www.vantaa.fi/varhaiskasvatus_ja_koulutus/perusopetus/koululaisen_hyvinvointi_ja_terveys/kouluterveydenhuolto http://www.vanda.fi/smabarnspedagogik_och_utbildning/grundlaggande_utbildning/valmaende_och_halsa/skolhalsovard http://www.vantaa.fi/en/social_and_health_care_services   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 40 834 8404   +358 40 532 7344 tiina.turkia@vantaa.fi   2014-11-19T17:01:21+02:00 01630 www.vantaa.fi kaikki vantaa 2020-05-22T11:01:15.906070+03:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986, 1087] vantaa [2164, 2165, 2166, 2167] [863, 339] {"fi": ["koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollon palvelut"]} Point 24.785645 60.265545 Ainontie 44, 01630 Vantaa         Skol- och studenthälsovård / Tuomelan opetuspiste Koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuolto 8 13     2   1     13         13      

Advanced export

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