444 rows where accessibility_shortcoming_count_wheelchair = 2

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  • 1 64


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31 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 69955", "contact_person": "V\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4l\u00e4 Petrus"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": 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Box 64939, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 64939, 00099 Helsingfors stad     4      
51 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 76858", "contact_person": "Sillman-Rejstr\u00f6m Pia"}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "requires_use_of_buzzer_opening_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "entrance_in_recess_no_canopy", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 55}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "long_t… internal 365     44916bd9-058c-43f2-a676-8f69a0b5d69b 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Daghemmet Rastis Day care Rastis Ulapparaitti 6 Fjärdstråket 6 Ulapparaitti 6 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/sv/daghem/rastis https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/sv/daghem/rastis https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/sv/daghem/rastis   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 44879, +358 9 310 44880 +358 9 310 28820 +358 9 310 44879 pk.rastis@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:51.706860+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [887, 1094, 2129, 882, 1093, 2126, 881] [862, 603, 160] {"fi": ["eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.139122 60.20865 PL 98310, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Daghemmet Rastis   1 2       P.O. Box 98310, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 98310, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
68 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 69831", "contact_person": "Ker\u00e4nen Airi"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": 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                  Päiväkoti Pikkusuo Day care Pikkusuo Pikkusuonkuja 3-5 Lillmossegränden 3-5 Pikkusuonkuja 3-5 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/pikkusuo https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/pikkusuo https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/pikkusuo   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 69831, +358 9 310 69822         2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00670 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:51.885903+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [875, 879, 978, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 288, 160, 160, 156] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 24.919188 60.24694 PL 67936, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Pikkusuo   1 2     1 P.O. Box 67936, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 67936, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
85 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 09-16:30", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 09-16:30", "en": "open Mon-Fri 09-16:30"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Koululaisilla on mahdollisuus maksulliseen v\u00e4lipalaan 36,10 \u20ac/kk."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Johtava leikkipuisto-ohjaaja", "sv": "Ledande lekparksledare", "en": "Leading playground instructor"}, "www": null, "email": "Tiina.Mesiniemi@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 74094", "contact_person": "Mesiniemi Tiina"}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Leikkipuistot tarjoavat koululaisille ohjattua toimintaa turvallisessa ja monipuolisessa \ntoimintaymp\u00e4rist\u00f6ss\u00e4. Koulujen loma-aikoina leikkipuistoissa j\u00e4rjestet\u00e4\u00e4n toimintaa; p\u00e4iv\u00e4leirej\u00e4, retki\u00e4 ja mukavaa tekemist\u00e4 koululaisille. Ohjelmasta tiedotetaan lomien l\u00e4hestyess\u00e4."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Ilmoittautuminen koululaisten iltap\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintaan"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/perusopetus/aamu-ja-iltapaivatoiminta/iltapaivatoiminta/iptoiminta-leikkipuistoissa/ilmoittautuminen/ilmoittautuminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Asiakastiedote 18.3.2020"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/leikki-ja-avoin-toiminta/leikkipuistotoiminnan+rajaaminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki… [{"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}] internal 483     3e9714d7-fdbc-4812-a04d-b8c6c97fe521 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       https://www.hel.fi/static/liitteet/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/ip-toiminta/Kuvat/lp-Ruoholahti-85.jpg     - leikkivälineitä kaikenikäisille lapsille- vesileikkimahdollisuus kesällä- aidattu piha pienille Some play parks include playing fields, which are frozen in the winter to serve as ice skating rinks. Play parks also include ball game walls, balancing equipment, climbing nets and wading pools, which support sporting activities. Play parks offer opportunities for sports and games.   Leikkipuisto Ruoholahti Playground Ruoholahti Laivapojankatu 8 Skeppsgossegatan 8 Laivapojankatu 8 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/ruoholahti/ruoholahti https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/ruoholahti/ruoholahti https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/ruoholahti/ruoholahti   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 44369   +358 9 310 44369 lp.ruoholahti@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00180 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:30:51.296191+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1400, 1403, 1405] helsinki [978, 979, 2134, 648, 500, 69, 981] [475, 415, 341, 288] {"fi": ["ip J\u00e4tk\u00e4saaren peruskoulu", "ip Ruoholahden ala-asteen koulu", "kes\u00e4lounas", "Kes\u00e4ruoka", "kes\u00e4ruokailu", "leikkipuistoruoka", "Leikkipuistoruokailu", "l\u00e4mmin kes\u00e4ruoka"]} Point 24.918232 60.16121 PL 18916, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lekparken Ruoholahti   1 2       P.O. Box 18916, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 18916, 00099 Helsingfors stad   I en del av lekparkerna finns spelplaner som på vintern fryses till skridskobanor. I lekparkerna finns även bollväggar, utrustning för balansövningar, klätternät och plaskdammar som stöder motionsaktiviteter. Lekparkerna erbjuder möjligheter till motion och spel. 3      
89 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 52996", "contact_person": "Roponen Hannele"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "under_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "4", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 32}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "false", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value":… internal 500     8c67fdec-0c89-4dfa-8cfd-5de677c66a4d 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D89&ll=60.219493,24.969585&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.2195,24.969337&cbp=12,5.25,,0,7.45&t=h&z=17&panoid=yhzyC_zlbQITmy-iB_pp1g       Päiväkoti Herttua Day care Herttua Juhana-herttuan tie 13 B Hertig Johans väg 13 B Juhana-herttuan tie 13 B https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/herttua https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/herttua https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/herttua   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 52996, +358 9 310 46830   +358 9 310 52995 pk.herttua@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00600 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:52.056384+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 24.96876 60.22054 PL 60970, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Herttua   2 2       P.O. Box 60970, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 60970, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
119 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": " tiina.m.vuori@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 42715", "contact_person": "Vuori Tiina"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}] internal 614     8c67fdec-0c89-4dfa-8cfd-5de677c66a4d 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D119&ll=60.192031,24.963233&spn=0.001013,0.007349&layer=c&cbll=60.192029,24.963233&cbp=12,335,,0,-1.56&t=h&panoid=6ycpr3JJY5D0JRqZc5Zl1A&z=17       Päiväkoti Runo Day care Runo Päijänteentie 3-5 Päijännevägen 3-5 Päijänteentie 3-5 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/runo https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/runo https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/runo   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 42715, +358 9 310 29511   +358 9 310 42717 pk.runo@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00550 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:52.392370+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 24.962563 60.192116 PL 55971, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Runo   2 2       P.O. Box 55971, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 55971, 00099 Helsingfors stad     4      
125 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": "minna.raisanen@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 24622", "contact_person": "R\u00e4is\u00e4nen Minna"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", 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{"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "opens_with_access_control_key", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "true", "variable": 111}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "… internal 615     05067af6-b1b7-47bf-a93d-56cacc9bf668 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D125&ll=60.170128,24.92153&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.170071,24.922333&cbp=12,340.75,,0,-3.3&t=h&z=17&panoid=YKxLU84YLQUDGAPsjo7Dmw       Päiväkoti Leppäsuo Day care Leppäsuo Hietaniemenkatu 9 A Sanduddsgatan 9 A Hietaniemenkatu 9 A https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/leppasuo https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/leppasuo https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/leppasuo   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 24622, +358 9 310 46831         2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00100 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:52.444582+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 880, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 489, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 24.922106 60.17036 PL 10920, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Leppäsuo   1 2       P.O. Box 10920, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 10920, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
146 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": "petra.varttinen@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 44601", "contact_person": "Varttinen Petra"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "requires_use_of_buzzer_and_is_heavy", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 55}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}] internal 653     05067af6-b1b7-47bf-a93d-56cacc9bf668 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Päiväkoti Ratikka Day care Ratikka Humalistonkatu 4 Hummelgatan 4 Humalistonkatu 4 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/ratikka https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/ratikka https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/ratikka   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 44601, +358 9 310 46860   +358 9 310 44649 pk.ratikka@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00250 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:52.616585+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1405] helsinki [871, 870] [663] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha"], "en": ["daycare", "day care"]} Point 24.920813 60.184532 PL 25910, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Ratikka   2 2     1 P.O. Box 25910, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 25910, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
166 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 09-16:30", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 09-16:30", "en": "open Mon-Fri 09-16:30"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Koululaisilla on mahdollisuus maksulliseen v\u00e4lipalaan 36,10 \u20ac/kk."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Johtava leikkipuisto-ohjaaja", "sv": "Ledande lekparksledare", "en": "Leading playground instructor"}, "www": null, "email": "Tiina.Mesiniemi@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 74094", "contact_person": "Mesiniemi Tiina"}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Leikkipuistot tarjoavat koululaisille ohjattua toimintaa turvallisessa ja monipuolisessa \ntoimintaymp\u00e4rist\u00f6ss\u00e4. Koulujen loma-aikoina leikkipuistoissa j\u00e4rjestet\u00e4\u00e4n toimintaa; p\u00e4iv\u00e4leirej\u00e4, retki\u00e4 ja mukavaa tekemist\u00e4 koululaisille. Ohjelmasta tiedotetaan lomien l\u00e4hestyess\u00e4."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Ilmoittautuminen koululaisten iltap\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintaan"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/perusopetus/aamu-ja-iltapaivatoiminta/iltapaivatoiminta/iptoiminta-leikkipuistoissa/ilmoittautuminen/ilmoittautuminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Asiakastiedote 18.3.2020"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/leikki-ja-avoin-toiminta/leikkipuistotoiminnan+rajaaminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki… [{"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 47}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "difficult_to_perceive", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}] internal 546     3e9714d7-fdbc-4812-a04d-b8c6c97fe521 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       https://www.hel.fi/static/liitteet/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/ip-toiminta/Kuvat/lp-Seppa-166.jpg     - leikkivälineitä kaikenikäisille lapsille- vesileikkimahdollisuus kesällä- aidattu piha pienille- pyöräilykaupunkimaalaukset Some play parks include playing fields, which are frozen in the winter to serve as ice skating rinks. Play parks also include ball game walls, balancing equipment, climbing nets and wading pools, which support sporting activities. Play parks offer opportunities for sports and games.   Leikkipuisto Seppä Playground Seppä Sepänkatu 2 Smedsgatan 2 Sepänkatu 2 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/seppa https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/seppa https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/seppa   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 44746   +358 9 310 44746 lp.seppa@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00150 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:30:52.411783+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1400, 1403, 1405] helsinki [978, 979, 2134, 648, 500, 69, 981] [475, 415, 341, 288] {"fi": ["ip Tehtaankadun ala-asteen koulu", "ip Elias-koulu", "ip Snellmanin ala-asteen koulu", "ip Grundskolan Norsen"]} Point 24.941435 60.159634 PL 15913, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lekparken Seppä   2 2       P.O. Box 15913, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 15913, 00099 Helsingfors stad   I en del av lekparkerna finns spelplaner som på vintern fryses till skridskobanor. I lekparkerna finns även bollväggar, utrustning för balansövningar, klätternät och plaskdammar som stöder motionsaktiviteter. Lekparkerna erbjuder möjligheter till motion och spel. 5      
177 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 09-16", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 09-16", "en": "open Mon-Fri 09-16"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Koululaisilla on mahdollisuus maksulliseen v\u00e4lipalaan 36,10 \u20ac/kk"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Johtava leikkipuisto-ohjaaja", "sv": "Ledande lekparksledare", "en": "Leading playground instructor"}, "www": null, "email": "eija.sormunen@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 62591", "contact_person": "Sormunen Eija"}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Leikkipuistot tarjoavat koululaisille ohjattua toimintaa turvallisessa ja monipuolisessa toimintaymp\u00e4rist\u00f6ss\u00e4. Koulujen loma-aikoina leikkipuistoissa j\u00e4rjestet\u00e4\u00e4n toimintaa; p\u00e4iv\u00e4leirej\u00e4, retki\u00e4 ja mukavaa tekemist\u00e4 koululaisille. Ohjelmasta tiedotetaan lomien l\u00e4hestyess\u00e4."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Ilmoittautuminen koululaisten iltap\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintaan"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/perusopetus/aamu-ja-iltapaivatoiminta/iltapaivatoiminta/iptoiminta-leikkipuistoissa/ilmoittautuminen/ilmoittautuminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Asiakastiedote 18.3.2020"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/leikki-ja-avoin-toiminta/leikkipuistotoiminnan+rajaaminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-for… [{"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "2_consecutive_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 41}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}] internal 524     3e9714d7-fdbc-4812-a04d-b8c6c97fe521 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       https://www.hel.fi/static/liitteet/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/ip-toiminta/Kuvat/lp-Santahamina-177.jpg     - leikkivälineitä kaikenikäisille lapsille- pelikenttä- Ritari Tuomon linna Some play parks include playing fields, which are frozen in the winter to serve as ice skating rinks. Play parks also include ball game walls, balancing equipment, climbing nets and wading pools, which support sporting activities. Play parks offer opportunities for sports and games.   Leikkipuisto Santahamina Playground Santahamina Kadettikouluntie 5 Kadettskolevägen 5 Kadettikouluntie 5 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/sanatahamina/santahamina https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/sanatahamina/santahamina https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/sanatahamina/santahamina   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 56450   +358 9 310 56450 lp.santahamina@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00860 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:30:52.555685+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1400, 1403, 1405] helsinki [978, 979, 2134, 648, 500, 69, 981] [475, 415, 341, 288] {"fi": ["ip Santahaminan ala-asteen koulu"]} Point 25.049177 60.15239 PL 86951, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lekparken Santahamina   2 2       P.O. Box 86951, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 86951, 00099 Helsingfors stad   I en del av lekparkerna finns spelplaner som på vintern fryses till skridskobanor. I lekparkerna finns även bollväggar, utrustning för balansövningar, klätternät och plaskdammar som stöder motionsaktiviteter. Lekparkerna erbjuder möjligheter till motion och spel. 2      
181 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja"}, "www": null, "email": " maijaliisa.jokela@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 56424", "contact_person": "Maija-Liisa Jokela"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "under_2… internal 626     ff8cf2e5-13c7-4da8-80e9-1d44da854d32 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Päiväkoti Satama Day care Satama Sisselenkuja 3 Cisselegränden 3 Sisselenkuja 3 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/satama https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/satama https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/satama   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 56424, +358 9 310 69728         2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00810 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:52.860764+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 872, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 200, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo - avoinna l\u00e4pi kes\u00e4n", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.036423 60.19163 PL 81966, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Satama   2 2       P.O. Box 81966, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 81966, 00099 Helsingfors stad     4      
190 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": "mikko.grohn@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 56509", "contact_person": "Mikko Gr\u00f6hn"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, 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"variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "is_heavy", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": … internal 584     ff8cf2e5-13c7-4da8-80e9-1d44da854d32 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Päiväkoti Tuorinniemi Day care Tuorinniemi Agnetankuja 4 Agnetagränden 4 Agnetankuja 4 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/tuorinniemi https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/tuorinniemi https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/tuorinniemi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 56509, +358 9 310 44144   +358 9 310 56509, +358 9 310 56510 pk.tuorinniemi@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00810 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:52.927206+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1405] helsinki [875, 879, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 160, 160, 156] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.037428 60.186874 PL 81965, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Tuorinniemi   2 2       P.O. Box 81965, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 81965, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
228 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 62712", "contact_person": "Neva Arja"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, 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SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D228&ll=60.201595,25.141289&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.20149,25.141539&cbp=12,243.02,,0,1.78&t=h&z=17&panoid=yMEEhpzsqFOevN9LJBbIJA       Päiväkoti Kajuutta Day care Kajuutta Kalkkihiekankuja 4 Kalksandsgränden 4 Kalkkihiekankuja 4 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/kajuutta https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/kajuutta https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/kajuutta   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 62712, +358 9 310 69716   +358 9 310 62917 pk.kajuutta@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:53.225659+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [875, 879, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 160, 160, 156] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.140936 60.20148 PL 98944, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Kajuutta   1 2       P.O. Box 98944, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 98944, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
235 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 09-16:30", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 09-16:30", "en": "open Mon-Fri 09-16:30"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Koululaisilla on mahdollisuus maksulliseen v\u00e4lipalaan 36,10 \u20ac/kk."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Johtava leikkipuisto-ohjaaja", "sv": "Ledande lekparksledare", "en": "Leading playground instructor"}, "www": null, "email": "Jyrki.J.Ronkko@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 69929", "contact_person": "R\u00f6nkk\u00f6 Jyrki"}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Leikkipuistot tarjoavat koululaisille ohjattua toimintaa turvallisessa ja monipuolisessa \ntoimintaymp\u00e4rist\u00f6ss\u00e4. Koulujen loma-aikoina leikkipuistoissa j\u00e4rjestet\u00e4\u00e4n toimintaa; p\u00e4iv\u00e4leirej\u00e4, retki\u00e4 ja mukavaa tekemist\u00e4 koululaisille. Ohjelmasta tiedotetaan lomien l\u00e4hestyess\u00e4."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Ilmoittautuminen koululaisten iltap\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintaan"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/perusopetus/aamu-ja-iltapaivatoiminta/iltapaivatoiminta/iptoiminta-leikkipuistoissa/ilmoittautuminen/ilmoittautuminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Asiakastiedote 18.3.2020"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/leikki-ja-avoin-toiminta/leikkipuistotoiminnan+rajaaminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/he… [{"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}] internal 569     3e9714d7-fdbc-4812-a04d-b8c6c97fe521 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       https://www.hel.fi/static/liitteet/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/ip-toiminta/Kuvat/lp-Kipinapuisto-235.jpg     - leikkivälineitä kaikenikäisille lapsille- vesileikkimahdollisuus kesällä Some play parks include playing fields, which are frozen in the winter to serve as ice skating rinks. Play parks also include ball game walls, balancing equipment, climbing nets and wading pools, which support sporting activities. Play parks offer opportunities for sports and games.   Leikkipuisto Kipinäpuisto Playground Kipinäpuisto Kivikonkaari 31 Stensbölebågen 31   https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/kipinapuisto https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/kipinapuisto https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/kipinapuisto   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 62539 +358 9 310 69929 +358 9 310 62539 lp.kipinapuisto@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00940 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:30:53.291538+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1400, 1403, 1405] helsinki [979, 2134, 648, 69, 500, 981] [475, 415, 341] {"fi": ["ip Keinutien ala-asteen koulu"]} Point 25.062754 60.236053 PL 94930, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lekparken Kipinäpuisto   2 2       P.O. Box 94930, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 94930, 00099 Helsingfors stad   I en del av lekparkerna finns spelplaner som på vintern fryses till skridskobanor. I lekparkerna finns även bollväggar, utrustning för balansövningar, klätternät och plaskdammar som stöder motionsaktiviteter. Lekparkerna erbjuder möjligheter till motion och spel. 3      
243 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 09-16:30", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 09-16:30", "en": "open Mon-Fri 09-16:30"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Koululaisilla on mahdollisuus maksulliseen v\u00e4lipalaan 36,10 \u20ac/kk."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Johtava leikkipuisto-ohjaaja", "sv": "Ledande lekparksledare", "en": "Leading playground instructor"}, "www": null, "email": "Jyrki.J.Ronkko@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 69929", "contact_person": "R\u00f6nkk\u00f6 Jyrki"}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Leikkipuistot tarjoavat koululaisille ohjattua toimintaa turvallisessa ja monipuolisessa \ntoimintaymp\u00e4rist\u00f6ss\u00e4. Koulujen loma-aikoina leikkipuistoissa j\u00e4rjestet\u00e4\u00e4n toimintaa; p\u00e4iv\u00e4leirej\u00e4, retki\u00e4 ja mukavaa tekemist\u00e4 koululaisille. Ohjelmasta tiedotetaan lomien l\u00e4hestyess\u00e4."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Ilmoittautuminen koululaisten iltap\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintaan"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/perusopetus/aamu-ja-iltapaivatoiminta/iltapaivatoiminta/iptoiminta-leikkipuistoissa/ilmoittautuminen/ilmoittautuminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Asiakastiedote 18.3.2020"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kasvatus-ja-koulutus/leikki-ja-avoin-toiminta/leikkipuistotoiminnan+rajaaminen"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/he… [{"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}] internal 586     3e9714d7-fdbc-4812-a04d-b8c6c97fe521 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       https://www.hel.fi/static/liitteet/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/ip-toiminta/Kuvat/lp-mustakivi-243.jpg     - leikkivälineitä kaikenikäisille lapsille- kahluuallas kesällä- aidattu piha pienille- pelikenttä Some play parks include playing fields, which are frozen in the winter to serve as ice skating rinks. Play parks also include ball game walls, balancing equipment, climbing nets and wading pools, which support sporting activities. Play parks offer opportunities for sports and games.   Leikkipuisto Mustakivi Playground Mustakivi Vedenottamontie 6 Vattentäktsvägen 6 Vedenottamontie 6 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/mustakivi https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/mustakivi https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/leikkipuistotjaperhetalot/mustakivi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 62725   +358 50 402 5549 sami.hakala"palmia.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:30:53.388014+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1400, 1403, 1405] helsinki [978, 979, 2134, 648, 500, 69, 981] [475, 415, 341, 288] {"fi": ["ip Aurinkolahden peruskoulu", "ip Merilahden peruskoulu", "ip Puistopolun peruskoulu", "kes\u00e4lounas", "Kes\u00e4ruoka", "kes\u00e4ruokailu", "leikkipuistoruoka", "Leikkipuistoruokailu", "l\u00e4mmin kes\u00e4ruoka"]} Point 25.141008 60.204025 PL 98934, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lekparken Mustakivi   2 2       P.O. Box 98934, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 98934, 00099 Helsingfors stad   I en del av lekparkerna finns spelplaner som på vintern fryses till skridskobanor. I lekparkerna finns även bollväggar, utrustning för balansövningar, klätternät och plaskdammar som stöder motionsaktiviteter. Lekparkerna erbjuder möjligheter till motion och spel. 5      
247 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 74012", "contact_person": "Anneli Haura"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "3_consecutive_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 41}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 43}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 109}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {… internal 579     33c95a0c-364d-4713-8691-685c797af438 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D247&ll=60.260829,24.986966&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.260928,24.986817&cbp=12,209.82,,0,-2.67&t=h&z=17&panoid=kDZTsVxOygu9zhokoSw-KQ       Päiväkoti Immola Day care Immola Immolantie 9 Immusvägen 9 Immolantie 9 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/immola https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/immola https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/immola   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 74012, +358 9 310 46900   +358 9 310 74012 aila.kankaansyrja@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00780 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:53.340421+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 24.985762 60.260353 PL 78991, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Immola   3 2       P.O. Box 78991, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 78991, 00099 Helsingfors stad     8      
312 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": "johanna.hoviniemi@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 73086", "contact_person": "Johanna Hoviniemi"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 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"false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "3", "variable": 1}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 58}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "at_least_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}] internal 606     203f6084-59f4-4498-975a-3bc2d73d9012 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Päiväkoti Seulanen Day care Seulanen Seulastentie 11 Plejadvägen 11 Seulastentie 11 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/seulanen https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/seulanen https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/seulanen   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 73086, +358 9 310 46667         2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00740 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:53.834307+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 978, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 288, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 24.99842 60.275635 PL 74991, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Seulanen   1 2       P.O. Box 74991, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 74991, 00099 Helsingfors stad     1      
359 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "vs.P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": "heidi.t.nevalainen@hel.fi", "phone": "+358 9 310 73796", "contact_person": "Heidi Nevalainen"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": 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municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D359&ll=60.203418,25.124874&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.203417,25.124793&cbp=12,139.15,,0,1&t=h&z=17&panoid=pymKCZi6HhHdQ7wtB8I7Gg       Päiväkoti Katiska Day care Katiska Harustie 4 Stagvägen 4 Harustie 4 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/katiska https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/katiska https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/katiska   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 73796, +358 9 310 69713   +358 9 310 62740 pk.katiska@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:54.265375+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.1254 60.203075 PL 98946, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Katiska   2 2     1 P.O. Box 98946, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 98946, 00099 Helsingfors stad     7      
361 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 62948", "contact_person": "Puurula Merja-Liisa"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, 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83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D361&ll=60.240961,25.07093&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.241103,25.070972&cbp=12,318.2,,0,2.15&t=h&z=17&panoid=eYv8WcUUUdm4w3o0Tv2clA       Päiväkoti Kivilinna Day care Kivilinna Linnoituksentie 8 Fästningsvägen 8 Linnoituksentie 8 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/kivilinna https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/kivilinna https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/kivilinna   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 62948, +358 9 310 69754   +358 9 310 62948 merja.puurula@el.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00940 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:54.292114+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 978, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 288, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.070457 60.241447 PL 94938, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Kivilinna   3 2       P.O. Box 94938, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 94938, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
433 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "P\u00e4iv\u00e4kodinjohtaja", "sv": "Daghemsf\u00f6rest\u00e5ndare", "en": "Manager of daycare centre"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 58895", "contact_person": "Marja-Liisa K\u00e4rkk\u00e4inen"}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "T\u00e4yt\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4hoitohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om barndagv\u00e5rd", "en": "Application for day care"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/paivahoito-ja-koulutus/paivahoito/paivakotihoito/hakeminen", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/dagvard-och-utbildning/dagvord/ansokan/ansokan-dagvard", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/day-care-education/day-care/options/applying"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": 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83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D433&ll=60.227001,25.032166&spn=0.000011,0.013036&layer=c&cbll=60.226992,25.032266&cbp=12,39.98,,0,-3.01&t=h&z=17&panoid=-12VNcDrEvBDcfZyddoIrQ       Päiväkoti Auringonkukka Day care Auringonkukka Kevätkatu 6 Vårgatan 6 Kevätkatu 6 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/auringonkukka https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/auringonkukka https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/paivakodit/auringonkukka   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 58895, +358 9 310 46813   +358 9 310 58898     2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00790 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:54.905284+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1405] helsinki [879, 872, 1090, 2125, 871, 870] [861, 861, 663, 200, 160, 160] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "eskari", "varhaiskasvatus", "tarha", "lastentarha", "Esiopetus 2021-2022"], "en": ["day care", "preprimaryeducation", "pre-primary education", "preschool", "daycare"]} Point 25.033072 60.227425 PL 79990, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Päiväkoti Auringonkukka   2 2     1 P.O. Box 79990, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 79990, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
450 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Perhep\u00e4iv\u00e4hoidonohjaaja", "sv": "Familjedagv\u00e5rdsledare", "en": "Family day care coordinator"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 73465", "contact_person": "Kaleva Merja"}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus ruotsinkieliseen varhaiskasvatukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om svenskspr\u00e5kig sm\u00e5barnspedagogik"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4512", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4512"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}] internal 839     a5dcb930-f1cc-4bb6-9f8e-c5dddda75a0b 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Tiikeri, varakoti Group family day care Tiikeri, varakoti Pertunpellontie 10 Bertåkersvägen 10 Pertunpellontie 10 https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/pph-alueittain/puistola-jakomaki-suutarila/puistola-jakomaki-suutarila https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/pph-alueittain/puistola-jakomaki-suutarila/puistola-jakomaki-suutarila https://www.hel.fi/varhaiskasvatus/fi/pph-alueittain/puistola-jakomaki-suutarila/puistola-jakomaki-suutarila   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 57428   +358 9 310 57428 rppk.tiikeri@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00740 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:55.009120+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1405] helsinki [963] [664] {"fi": ["kes\u00e4aukiolo", "lastentarha"], "en": ["daycare", "day care"]} Point 24.98953 60.266968 PL 74901, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Ryhmäperhepäiväkoti Tiikeri, varakoti   2 2       P.O. Box 74901, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 74901, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
1305 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Ik\u00e4\u00e4ntyneiden p\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintaa ei tilap\u00e4isesti j\u00e4rjestet\u00e4.", "sv": "Dagverksamhet f\u00f6r \u00e4ldre ordnas inte tillsvidare.", "en": "Day activities for the elderly are not organised at present."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 109}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_button", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}] internal 989     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Kannelmäen palvelutalo päivätoiminta Urkuri Kannelmäki assisted living facility / Urkuri day activities Urkupillintie 4 Orgelpipsvägen 4 Urkupillintie 4 https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kannelmaki-pake https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kannelmaki-pake https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kannelmaki-pake   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 74266 +358 9 310 48777       2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00420 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:00.313691+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [783] helsinki [822] [762] {} Point 24.875124 60.242657 PL 42818, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Gamlas servicehus / Urkuri dagverksamhet   1 2       P.O. Box 42818, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 42818, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
1322 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "requires_use_of_door_phone_opening_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "3", "variable": 64}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "fals… internal 1064     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Metsäpuron asuntoryhmä Metsäpuro home group Myllypurontie 26 G 99 Kvarnbäcksvägen 26 G 99 Myllypurontie 26 G 99         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 69573   +358 9 310 69573 metsapuro.ryhmakoti@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00920 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:00.387106+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [783] helsinki [815] [275] {} Point 25.058031 60.22155 PL 92774, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Skogsbäckens bostadsgrupp   2 2       P.O. Box 92774, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 92774, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
1416 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Vammaisten ty\u00f6- ja p\u00e4iv\u00e4toimintayksikk\u00f6 on suljettuna toistaiseksi.", "sv": "Enheterna f\u00f6r dag- och arbetsverksamhet f\u00f6r handikappade \u00e4r st\u00e4ngda tillsvidare.", "en": "Day and work activities for the disabled ar closed until further notice."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 32}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "narrow", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "requires_use_of_door_phone_opening_automatically", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 47}, {"value": "false", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 20}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "vari… internal 997     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Pasilan toimintakeskus Pasila activity centre Pakkamestarinkatu 2 Packmästargatan 2 Pakkamestarinkatu 2 https://www.hel.fi/vammaiset/fi/osallisuus/osallisuutta-edistava-toiminta/pasila/ https://www.hel.fi/vammaiset/fi/osallisuus/osallisuutta-edistava-toiminta/pasila/ https://www.hel.fi/vammaiset/fi/osallisuus/osallisuutta-edistava-toiminta/pasila/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 43198         2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00520 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:00.622422+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783] helsinki [813] [278] {} Point 24.944597 60.198727 PL 52773, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Böle verksamhetscenter   1 2     1 P.O. Box 52773, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 52773, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
1926 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 76}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "4", "variable": 64}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 119}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "floor_2", "variable": 120}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_button", "variable": 54}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "… internal 1361     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Kannelmäen palvelutalo Kannelmäki assisted living facility Urkupillintie 4 Orgelpipsvägen 4 Urkupillintie 4 https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kannelmaki-pt https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kannelmaki-pt https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kannelmaki-pt   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 48822 +358 9 310 48777 +358 9 310 48811 heidi.sipilainen@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00420 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:00.919054+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [783, 1403] helsinki [2218, 2219, 2220, 2221, 2225, 825] [901, 900, 898, 896, 895, 760] {"fi": ["vanhusten asuminen"]} Point 24.875124 60.242657 PL 42818, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Gamlas servicehus   1 2       P.O. Box 42818, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 42818, 00099 Helsingfors stad     8      
1937 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 87}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 90}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 86}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 85}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_button", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 118… internal 1342     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Hopeatien palvelutalo Hopeatie assisted living facility Hopeatie 14 Silvervägen 14 Hopeatie 14 https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/hopeatie-pt https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/hopeatie-pt https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/hopeatie-pt   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 46779   +358 9 310 73109     2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00440 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:00.963178+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "green"} [783, 1403] helsinki [2218, 2221, 825] [898, 895, 760] {"fi": ["vanhusten asuminen"]} Point 24.886238 60.228878 PL 8161, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Silvervägens servicehus   1 2     1 P.O. Box 8161, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 8161, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
1955 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Aulapalvelut"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 310 61800", "contact_person": "Neuvonta"}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla monipuolisia tiloja vuokralle.", "sv": "Tarjolla monipuolisia tiloja vuokralle.", "en": "Tarjolla monipuolisia tiloja vuokralle."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": … [{"value": "4", "variable": 1}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "7", "variable": 64}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 85}, {"value": "true", "variable": 86}, {"value": "true", "variable": 87}, {"value": "true", "variable": 88}, {"value": "true", "variable": 89}, {"value": "true", "variable": 90}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false… internal 1217     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Kontulan seniorikeskus Kontula senior centre / Service centre Kontukuja 5 Gårdsgränden 5 Kontukuja 5 https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kontulan-seniorikeskus https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kontulan-seniorikeskus https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/kontulan-seniorikeskus   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 61800   +358 9 310 61800 kontula.neuvonta@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00940 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:01.079399+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "green"} [783, 1402] helsinki [341, 338, 825] [760, 692, 483] {"fi": ["tilanvaraus", "tilavaraus", "tilavuokraus", "Aulapalvelualue3", "Aulapalvelualue 3", "aulapalvelut", "Soten aulapalvelut"]} Point 25.084753 60.243496 PL 8570, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Gårdsbacka seniorcenter / Servicecentral   2 2       P.O. Box 8570, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 8570, 00099 Helsingfors stad     1      
2929 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 26}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "at_least_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "5", "variable": 63}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53… internal 1478     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Perheneuvola lännen työryhmä/neuvolatoiminta Family counselling, Western team Kaupintie 11 A Krämarvägen 11 A Kaupintie 11 A https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/perheneuvola/lansi https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/perheneuvola/lansi https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/perheneuvola/lansi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 47490   +358 9 310 47468 riitta.niinivaara@hel.fi   2007-11-15T00:00:00+02:00 00440 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:01.298826+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [783] helsinki [793] [504] {} Point 24.88132 60.23117 PL 8120, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Familjerådgivning, västra arbetsgruppen   1 2     1 P.O. Box 8120, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 8120, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
4003 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "2", "variable": 63}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}] internal 1608     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Mäntylän ryhmäkoti Mäntylä group home Vuosaarentie 8 C Nordsjövägen 8 C Vuosaarentie 8 C https://www.hel.fi/vammaiset/fi/asuminen/kehitysvammaisten-asumispalvelut/ryhmakodit/mantyla https://www.hel.fi/vammaiset/fi/asuminen/kehitysvammaisten-asumispalvelut/ryhmakodit/mantyla https://www.hel.fi/vammaiset/fi/asuminen/kehitysvammaisten-asumispalvelut/ryhmakodit/mantyla   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 73900   +358 9 310 73900 mantylan.ryhmakoti@hel.fi   2008-06-25T15:42:37+03:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:01.888366+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783] helsinki [815] [275] {} Point 25.142918 60.210148 PL 98758, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Mäntylä grupphem   2 2       P.O. Box 98758, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 98758, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
4313 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 08-16", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 08-16", "en": "open Mon-Fri 08-16"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Terveysasema on auki arkisin klo 8-16 (ei iltavastaanottoja).", "sv": "H\u00e4lsostationen \u00e4r \u00f6ppen vardagar kl. 8-16 (ingen kv\u00e4llsmottagning).", "en": "The health station is open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm (no evening appointments)."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with… [{"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "5", "variable": 63}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "floor_5", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", … internal 1924     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D4313&ll=60.206334,25.145109&spn=0.001967,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.206281,25.14523&cbp=12,85.81,,0,-6.11&t=h&z=17&panoid=h913ueROi59EfJ-HxNu7nw       Idän terveysasema/Vuosaari Vuosaari Health Station Kahvikuja 3 Kaffegränden 3 Kahvikuja 3 https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/vuosaaren-perhekeskus-ja-terveys--ja-hyvinvointikeskus/terveysasemapalvelut https://www.hel.fi/sote/enheterna-sv/enheterna-i-alfabetisk-ordning/nordsjo-central/halsostationstjanster https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/health/stations/contact-information/vuosaari-health-station   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 60850 +358 9 310 60860 +358 50 402 2764 leea.vaariskoski@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:02.492643+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986, 1403] helsinki [995, 992, 2218, 2221, 993, 991] [898, 895, 703, 702, 417, 184] {"fi": ["influenssarokotus", "terveyskeskus", "Vuosaaren terveysasema", "Vuosaaren terveysasemapalvelut", "terveysasema", "terveysasemat"], "en": ["health care center"], "sv": ["h\u00e4lsostation"]} Point 25.146616 60.205997 PL 6250, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Nordsjö hälsostation   1 2       P.O. Box 6250, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6250, 00099 Helsingfors stad     4      
4440 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu", "sv": "Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster", "en": "Dental care e-service"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=562", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=562", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administra… [{"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "at_least_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "difficult_to_perceive", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "2", "variable": 63}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", … internal 1812     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Pukinmäen hammashoitola Pukinmäki Dental Clinic Säterintie 2 Säterivägen 2 Säterintie 2         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 51400 +358 9 310 57376 +358 9 310 57707 Pukinmäen.Hammashoitola@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00720 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:02.802497+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] helsinki [995] [184] {} Point 24.993643 60.24321 PL 6540, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Bocksbacka tandklinik   1 2     1 P.O. Box 6540, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6540, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
4486 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "under_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 24}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 41}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 26}, {"value": "opens_with_access_control_key", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable":… internal 1943     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Viiskulma 4 lähipalvelualue Viiskulma 4 home care unit Hietaniemenkatu 9 B, 2. krs Sanduddsgatan 9 B, 2. vån. Hietaniemenkatu 9 B, 2. floor https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/etelainen-kotihoitoyksikko https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/aldre/hem/kontaktuppgifter/sodra https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/etelainen-kotihoitoyksikko   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 46065   +358 9 310 76705 laila.lansman@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00100 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:02.876506+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783, 986] helsinki [829, 996] [635] {} Point 24.922106 60.17036 PL 6102, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Femkanten 4 närserviceområde   2 2       P.O. Box 6102, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 6102, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
4499 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu", "sv": "Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster", "en": "Dental care e-service"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=562", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=562", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administra… [{"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "… internal 1901     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D4499&ll=60.238799,24.880064&spn=0.001981,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.238798,24.880065&cbp=12,359.29,,0,-6.18&t=h&z=17&panoid=VE__3BBHz5ar4ExgYevPFA       Kannelmäen terveysaseman hammashoitola Kannelmäki Health Station Dental Clinic Kaustisenpolku 6 B Kaustbystigen 6 B Kaustisenpolku 6 B         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 51400 +358 9 310 47346       2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00420 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:02.941758+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] helsinki [995] [184] {} Point 24.879354 60.23924 PL 6620, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Tandkliniken vid Gamlas hälsostation   2 2       P.O. Box 6620, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6620, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
4527 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu", "sv": "Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster", "en": "Dental care e-service"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=562", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=562", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administra… [{"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "5", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 76}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "false", "variable": 72}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "0", "variable": 63}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable":… internal 1995     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D4527&ll=60.237324,25.066692&spn=0.00204,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.237326,25.066697&cbp=12,191.57,,0,5.52&t=h&z=17&panoid=U9MrbCCF1TLGBnJxWSus8g       Kivikon terveysaseman hammashoitola Kivikko Health Station Dental Clinic Kivikonkaari 21 Stensbölebågen 21 Kivikonkaari 21         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 51400 +358 9 310 61580 +358 9 310 61573 kivikko.hammashoitola@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00940 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:03.036241+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] helsinki [995] [184] {} Point 25.066422 60.23697 PL 6220, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Tandkliniken vid Stensböle hälsostation   2 2       P.O. Box 6220, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6220, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
4598 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 08-16, suljettu la-su", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 08-16, st\u00e4ngt l\u00f6r-s\u00f6n", "en": "open Mon-Fri 08-16, closed Sat-Sun"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Terveysasema on auki arkisin klo 8-16 (ei iltavastaanottoja).", "sv": "H\u00e4lsostationen \u00e4r \u00f6ppen vardagar kl. 8-16 (ingen kv\u00e4llsmottagning).", "en": "The health station is open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm (no evening appointments)."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wa… [{"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_button", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"va… internal 1893     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D4598&ll=60.2746,24.997405&spn=0.002037,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.274598,24.997404&cbp=12,29.13,,0,-2.5&t=h&z=17&panoid=gtGaBXJLRKhwQaiNl5vn5g       Koillisen terveysasema/Suutarila Suutarila Health Station Suutarilantie 32 Skomakarbölevägen 32 Suutarilantie 32 https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/sosiaali-ja-terveyspalvelut/terveyspalvelut/terveysasemat/terveysasemien-yhteystiedot/suutarilan-terveysasema https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/halso/halsostationer/kontaktuppgifter/skomakarbole-halsostation https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/health/stations/contact-information/suutarila-health-station   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 53410 +358 9 310 53412 +358 9 310 53410     2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00740 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:03.148850+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] helsinki [992, 993, 991] [703, 702, 417] {"fi": ["influenssarokotus", "terveyskeskus", "Suutarilan terveysasema", "terveysasema", "terveysasemat"], "en": ["health care center"], "sv": ["h\u00e4lsostation"]} Point 24.99842 60.275635 PL 6550, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Skomakarböle hälsostation   2 2       P.O. Box 6550, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6550, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
4759 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-pe 08-16", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-fre 08-16", "en": "open Mon-Fri 08-16"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Terveysasema on auki arkisin klo 8-16 (ei iltavastaanottoja).", "sv": "H\u00e4lsostationen \u00e4r \u00f6ppen vardagar kl. 8-16 (ingen kv\u00e4llsmottagning).", "en": "The health station is open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm (no evening appointments)."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with… [{"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "4", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "1", "variable": 63}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true… internal 1874     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D4759&ll=60.27468,25.035299&spn=0.002037,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.274644,25.035212&cbp=12,330.52,,0,-3.33&t=h&z=17&panoid=X3glZLll7Z74EoiZ8hHeaw       Koillisen terveysasema/Puistola Puistola Health Station Ajurinaukio 1 Formansplatsen 1 Ajurinaukio 1 https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/sosiaali-ja-terveyspalvelut/terveyspalvelut/terveysasemat/terveysasemien-yhteystiedot/puistolan-terveysasema https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/halso/halsostationer/kontaktuppgifter/parkstads-halsostation https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/health/stations/contact-information/puistola-health-station   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 53300 +358 9 310 53336       2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00750 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:03.493244+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986, 1402] helsinki [992, 993, 991, 331] [806, 703, 702, 417] {"fi": ["influenssarokotus", "terveyskeskus", "Puistolan terveysasema", "terveysasema", "terveysasemat"], "en": ["health care center"], "sv": ["h\u00e4lsostation"]} Point 25.03449 60.27488 PL 6530, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Parkstads hälsostation   2 2     1 P.O. Box 6530, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6530, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
4815 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "6", "variable": 63}, {"value": "floor_6", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62},… internal 2157     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Kallio 5 lähipalvelualue Kallio 5 home care unit Rautalammintie 2, 4. krs Rautalampivägen 2, 4. vån. Rautalammintie 2, 4. floor https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/keskinen-kotihoitoyksikko https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/aldre/hem/kontaktuppgifter/mellersta https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/keskinen-kotihoitoyksikko   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 43147   +358 50 402 0404 anne.saviranta@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00550 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:03.676090+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783, 986] helsinki [829, 996] [635] {} Point 24.954578 60.19633 PL 6440, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Berghäll 5 närserviceområde   1 2       P.O. Box 6440, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 6440, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
4824 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "opens_with_access_control_key", "variable": 54}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 26}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "is_heavy", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 41}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 24}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"v… internal 2073     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Viiskulma 1 lähipalvelualue Viiskulma 1 home care unit Hietaniemenkatu 9 B, 2. krs Sanduddsgatan 9 B, 2. vån. Hietaniemenkatu 9 B, 2. floor https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/etelainen-kotihoitoyksikko https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/aldre/hem/kontaktuppgifter/sodra https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/etelainen-kotihoitoyksikko   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 46065   +358 9 310 76705 laila.lansman@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00100 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:03.697196+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783, 986] helsinki [829, 996] [635] {} Point 24.922106 60.17036 PL 6102, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Femkanten 1 närserviceområde   2 2       P.O. Box 6102, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 6102, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
5031 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hammashoidon asiointipalvelu", "sv": "Tandv\u00e5rdens e-tj\u00e4nster", "en": "Dental care e-service"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=562", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=562", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administra… [{"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "false", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "4", "variable": 63}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "waiting_by_standing", "variable": 81}, {"value": "at_least_4_turning_steps", "variable": 24}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 26}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide… internal 2068     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D5031&ll=60.206334,25.145109&spn=0.001967,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.206281,25.14523&cbp=12,85.81,,0,-6.11&t=h&z=17&panoid=h913ueROi59EfJ-HxNu7nw       Vuosaaren terveysaseman hammashoitola Vuosaari Health Station Dental Clinic Kahvikuja 3 Kaffegränden 3 Kahvikuja 3         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 51400 +358 9 310 60830 +358 9 310 61450     2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00980 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:03.994967+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] helsinki [995] [184] {} Point 25.146616 60.205997 PL 6250, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Tandkliniken vid Nordsjö hälsostation   1 2     1 P.O. Box 6250, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6250, 00099 Helsingfors stad     4      
5193 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "6", "variable": 63}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "floor_6", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": … internal 2209     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Kallio 6 lähipalvelualue Kallio 6 home care unit Rautalammintie 2, 2. krs Rautalampivägen 2, 2. vån. Rautalammintie 2, 2. floor https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/keskinen-kotihoitoyksikko https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/aldre/hem/kontaktuppgifter/mellersta https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/keskinen-kotihoitoyksikko   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 43906   +358 50 402 0358 raili.hautala@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00550 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:04.330960+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783, 986] helsinki [829, 996] [635] {} Point 24.954578 60.19633 PL 6440, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Berghäll 6 närserviceområde   1 2       P.O. Box 6440, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 6440, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
5219 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "less_than_3600mm", "variable": 3}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 41}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 26}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "opens_with_access_control_key", "variable": 54}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "under_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "at_least_4_st… internal 2321     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Viiskulma 3 ruotsinkielinen lähipalvelualue Viiskulma 3 Swedish home care unit Lapinlahdenkatu 16, rak. 4 Lappviksgatan 16, byggnad 4 Lapinlahdenkatu 16, bldg 4 https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/etelainen-kotihoitoyksikko https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/svenska-team/aldre/hemvard https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/etelainen-kotihoitoyksikko   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 44506 +358 9 310 50236 +358 9 310 76705 laila.lansman@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00180 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:04.402289+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783, 986] helsinki [829, 996] [635] {} Point 24.922722 60.167435 PL 6102, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Femkanten 3 svenskspråkigt närserviceområde   2 2       P.O. Box 6102, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 6102, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
5552 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna alkaen 7.9.2020 ma-pe 08-16", "sv": "\u00f6ppet fr\u00e5n 7.9.2020 m\u00e5n-fre 08-16", "en": "open from 7 Sep 2020 Mon-Fri 08-16"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "TOPICAL", "name": {"fi": "Terveysasema toimii koronaterveysasemana, auki arkisin klo 8-16.", "sv": "H\u00e4lsostationen fungerar som coronah\u00e4lsost… [{"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "under_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value"… internal 2408     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D5552&ll=60.193169,24.917593&spn=0.002043,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.193168,24.917597&cbp=12,201.2,,0,-3.22&t=h&z=17&panoid=N4TfotP_A6CHg4UFqa3j5Q Laakson terveysasema toimii koronaterveysasemana 16.3. klo 8 alkaen. Koronaterveysasemalla hoidetaan kaikki kiireellistä arviota tai hoitoa vaativat helsinkiläiset potilaat, jotka kärsivät ylähengitystieinfektion oireista. Muilla Helsingin terveysasemilla ei hoideta ylähengitystieoirepotilaita 16.3. alkaen.Laakson terveysaseman asiakkaita palvelevat 16.3. alkaen:- Haagan terveysasema, Huovitie 5, p. 09 310 49270- Munkkiniemen terveysasema, Laajalahdentie 30, p. 09 310 48600- Töölön terveysasema, Sibeliuksenkatu 14, p. 09 310 45500. Laakso health station becomes a Corona health station. Laakso Corona health station starts on Monday 16 March and from then on all Helsinki patients needing urgent assessment or care for symptoms of respiratory infection are treated there.Patients with respiratory infection symptoms are not from 16 March not treated at other Helsinki's health stations.Those who are at present clients of Laakso health station will be served from 16 March as follows:- Haaga Health Station, Huovitie 5 tel. 09 310 49270- Munkkiniemi Health Station, Laajalahdentie 30, p. 09 310 48600- Töölö Health Station, Sibeliuksenkatu 14, p. 09 310 45500.   Keskustan terveysasema/Laakso Laakso Health Station Lääkärinkatu 8 R Läkaregatan 8 R Lääkärinkatu 8 R https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/sosiaali-ja-terveyspalvelut/terveyspalvelut/terveysasemat/terveysasemien-yhteystiedot/laakson-terveysasema https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/halso/halsostationer/kontaktuppgifter/dals-halsostation https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/health/stations/contact-information/laakso-health-station   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 47810 +358 9 310 47805 +358 9 310 47810     2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00250 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:04.816464+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986] helsinki [992, 993, 991] [703, 702, 417] {"en": ["health care center", "Corona health station"], "fi": ["terveyskeskus", "Laakson terveysasema", "koronaterveysasema", "terveysasema", "terveysasemat"], "sv": ["h\u00e4lsostation", "coronah\u00e4lsostation"]} Point 24.917477 60.193058 PL 6600, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Dals hälsostation Laakson terveysasema toimii koronaterveysasemana 16.3. klo 8 alkaen. 1 2       P.O. Box 6600, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6600, 00099 Helsingfors stad Dals hälsostation blir coronahälsostation fr.o.m. måndagen 16.3 kl. 8. Dals hälsostation blir coronahälsostation fr.o.m. måndagen 16.3 kl. 8. På Dals coronahälsostation sköts fr.o.m. måndagen 16.3 kl. 8 alla helsingforspatienter som har symtom i övre andningsorganen och som behöver brådskande bedömning eller vård.På de övriga hälsostationerna i Helsingfors sköts inte patienter med symtom i övre andningsorganen fr.o.m. måndagen 16.3.Klienter vid Dals hälsostation betjänas fr.o.m. 16.3 på:- Haga hälsostation, Knektvägen 5, tfn 09 310 49270- Munksnäs hälsostation, Bredviksvägen 30, tfn 09 310 48600- Tölö hälsostation Sibeliusgatan 14, tfn 09 310 45500. 5 Laakso health station becomes a Corona health station.    
5619 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "6", "variable": 63}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79… internal 2428     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Kallio 4 lähipalvelualue Kallio 4 home care unit Rautalammintie 2, 2. krs Rautalampivägen 2, 2. vån. Rautalammintie 2, 2. floor https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/keskinen-kotihoitoyksikko https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/social-och-halso/aldre/hem/kontaktuppgifter/mellersta https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/keskinen-kotihoitoyksikko   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 43402   +358 50 402 0455 pirkko.kuvaja@hel.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00550 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:04.949044+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [783, 986] helsinki [829, 996] [635] {} Point 24.954578 60.19633 PL 6440, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Berghäll 4 närserviceområde   1 2       P.O. Box 6440, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 6440, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
5843 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "opens_with_access_control_key", "variable": 77}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "floor_2", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable":… internal 2439     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Malmin peruskoulu pääkoulu Talvela, kouluterveydenhuolto Malmi Comprehensive School, Upper Stage, school health care Talvelantie 1 Talvelavägen 1 Talvelantie 1         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 50 310 5592   +358 9 310 82930 www.ymalmipk.edu.hel.fi Talvelantie 1,pl 3508 2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00700 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:05.310015+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [986, 1087] helsinki [2164, 2165] [339] {} Point 25.000227 60.25494 PL 70302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Grundskolan Malmin peruskoulu, Talvela, skolhäklsovård   2 2       P.O. Box 70302, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 70302, 00099 Helsingfors stad     8      
5867 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}] internal 2585     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Degerö lågstadieskola, skolhälsovård Degerö lågstadieskola, Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care Linnanrakentajantie 16 Borgbyggarvägen 16 Linnanrakentajantie 16         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 40 354 6430   +358 40 334 5930 jari.musto@palmia.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00810 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:05.364600+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [986, 1087] helsinki [2164, 2165] [339] {} Point 25.043612 60.186913 PL 81301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Degerö lågstadieskola, skolhälsovård   2 2       P.O. Box 81301, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 81301, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
6183 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Opiskeluterveydenhuollon esitietolomake"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=2151"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}] internal 2649     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Helsingin kielilukio, opiskeluterveydenhuolto Itäkeskus Upper Secondary School, student health care Kajaaninlinnantie 10 Kajaneborgsvägen 10 Kajaaninlinnantie 10         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 50 310 5629   +358 50 310 5629     2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00900 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:05.823356+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [986, 1087] helsinki [2166, 2167] [863] {} Point 25.072128 60.21299 PL 90303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Gymnasieskolan Helsingin kielilukio, hälsovård för studerande   2 2       P.O. Box 90303, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 90303, 00099 Helsingfors stad     4      
6322 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "is_heavy_or_otherwise_hard_to_open", "variable": 54}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "vari… internal 2694     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Poikkilaakson ala-asteen koulu, kouluterveydenhuolto Poikkilaakso Comprehensive School, Lower Stage, school health care Puuskaniementie 21 Knysnäsvägen 21 Puuskaniementie 21         pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 50 402 2743   +358 50 401 3961 aila.vaherno@palmia.fi   2008-07-10T22:13:17+03:00 00850 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:06.043611+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [986, 1087] helsinki [2164, 2165] [339] {} Point 25.08267 60.166313 PL 85301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lågstadieskolan Poikkilaakson ala-asteen koulu, skolhälsovård   2 2     1 P.O. Box 85301, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 85301, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
6581 [{"section_type": "HIGHLIGHT", "name": {"fi": "Jos sinulla on koronavirustartunnan oireita ja tarvitset toimintaohjeet, soita Helsingin koronavirusneuvontaan p. 09\u202f310 10024 (p\u00e4ivitt\u00e4in klo 8-18). Koronavirusneuvonnasta voit varata ajan koronavirustestiin. Sinut ohjataan my\u00f6s tarvittaessa koronaterveysasemalle.\nJos asia ei voi odottaa koronaneuvonnan aukeamista tai kyse on muusta kiireellisest\u00e4 sairaudesta, soita P\u00e4ivystysapuun, p. 116\u202f117.", "sv": "Om du har symtom p\u00e5 coronavirus och beh\u00f6ver r\u00e5d om vad du ska g\u00f6ra, ring Helsingfors coronavirusr\u00e5dgivning p\u00e5 09 310 10024 (dagligen kl. 8-18). Via coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen kan du boka tid f\u00f6r ett coronavirustest. Vid behov kan du ocks\u00e5 h\u00e4nvisas till en h\u00e4lsostation f\u00f6r coronapatienter.\nOm \u00e4rendet inte kan v\u00e4nta tills coronavirusr\u00e5dgivningen \u00f6ppnar eller om det \u00e4r fr\u00e5ga om n\u00e5gon annan akut sjukdom, betj\u00e4nar jourhj\u00e4lpen p\u00e5 tfn 116 117.", "en": "If you have symptoms indicative of a coronavirus infection and need instructions on what to do, call Helsinki's Coronavirus Helpline, open every day of the week from 8 am to 6 pm at tel. 09 310 10024. You can book an appointment for a coronavirus test via the helpline. If necessary, you will also be directed to a coronavirus health station.\nIf you cannot wait for the Coronavirus Helpline to open or need assistance with an urgent health concern, please contact the Medical Helpline at tel. 116 11"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "2", "variable": 1}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 76}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "outdoors", "variable": 2}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "over_10m", "variable": 4}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 26}, {"value": "5", "variable": 63}, {"value": "floor_5", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_cl… internal 2754     d4b3a166-9fa0-4846-9d63-ff1fdab670b6 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Terapeuttinen vauvaperhetyö Kallion perhekeskus Southern-Western work with families with infants Toinen linja 4 C Andra linjen 4 C Toinen linja 4 C https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/perheiden-erityispalvelut/vauvaperhetyo/ https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/perheiden-erityispalvelut/vauvaperhetyo/ https://www.hel.fi/sote/toimipisteet-fi/aakkosittain/perheiden-erityispalvelut/vauvaperhetyo/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 5015   +358 9 310 47468     2008-08-15T13:23:10+03:00 00530 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-27T13:01:06.442675+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [783] helsinki [793] [504] {} Point 24.946972 60.181797 PL 6450, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Södra-västra babyfamiljearbetet   1 2     1 P.O. Box 6450, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 6450, 00099 Helsingfors stad     6      
6726 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kuraattori", "sv": "Kuraattori", "en": "Kuraattori"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3267", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Psykologi", "sv": "Psykologi", "en": "Psykologi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3310", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla sali", "sv": "Tillg\u00e4nglig: sal", "en": "Available: hall"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Tilanvaraus", "sv": "Lokalbokning", "en": "Reservation of premises"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/fi/palvelut/tilojen-varaaminen/koulutilojen-kaytto", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/sv/tjanster/anvandning-skollokaler", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/en/services/renting-facilities/school-facilities"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": 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Box 81302, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 81302, 00099 Helsingfors stad            
6795 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kuraattori", "sv": "Kuraattori", "en": "Kuraattori"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 501 5221", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Psykologi", "sv": "Psykologi", "en": "Psykologi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3298", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla sali", "sv": "Tillg\u00e4nglig: sal", "en": "Available: hall"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Tilanvaraus", "sv": "Lokalbokning", "en": "Reservation of premises"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/fi/palvelut/tilojen-varaaminen/koulutilojen-kaytto", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/sv/tjanster/anvandning-skollokaler", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/en/services/renting-facilities/school-facilities"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 58}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "requires_use_of_door_phone_opening_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}] internal 17254     cfe981a5-3493-4432-b3b1-7945dc2c7fa3 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Metsolan ala-asteen koulu Metsola Comprehensive School, Lower Stage Kartanomuseontie 2 Gårdsmuseivägen 2 Kartanomuseontie 2 http://www.metsola.edu.hel.fi http://www.metsola.edu.hel.fi http://www.metsola.edu.hel.fi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 82406   +358 9 310 82406 raija.vaahto@hel.fi   2015-11-27T12:11:49+02:00 00680 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:58.010761+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1402] helsinki [1123, 1141, 1142, 1146, 1100, 331] [806, 661, 108, 35, 33, 15] {"fi": ["sali", "tilanvaraus", "tilavaraus", "koulu", "peruskoulu", "peruskoulut"], "sv": ["lokalbokning"], "en": ["reservation of premises", "basiceducation", "basic education"]} Point 24.961706 60.251553 PL 68302, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lågstadieskolan Metsolan ala-asteen koulu   1 2       P.O. Box 68302, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 68302, 00099 Helsingfors stad     2      
6901 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001", "sv": "Information g\u00e4llande reservationer av skolornas utrymmen p\u00e5 kv\u00e4llar och helger: gymnastiksalar 09 310 87800, \u00f6vriga utrymmen 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla sali", "sv": "Tillg\u00e4nglig: sal", "en": "Available: hall"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Tilanvaraus", "sv": "Lokalbokning", "en": "Reservation of premises"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/fi/palvelut/koulutilat/koulutilat", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/sv/tjanster/skollokaler/skollokaler", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/en/services/booking-school/booking-school"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "false", "variable": 53}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 43}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 45}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "ramp_under_6m_long", "variable": 30}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 20}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 47}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 46}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 96}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 41}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "handrails_on_both_sides", "variable": 95}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 93}, {"value": "false", "variable": 97}, {"value": "false", "variabl… internal 17693     78c4f459-a561-411a-a85f-08c1177ad5d3 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Gymnasiet Lärkan Gymnasiet Lärkan, Upper Secondary School Isonnevantie 22 Stormyrvägen 22 Isonnevantie 22 http://www.larkan.edu.hel.fi/ http://www.larkan.edu.hel.fi/ http://www.larkan.edu.hel.fi/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 86681         2015-11-27T12:11:49+02:00 00320 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:30:59.947416+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1087] helsinki [1312, 1304, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1321, 1324, 1325, 1315, 1326, 1299, 1301] [816, 598, 99, 98, 97, 95, 92, 90, 89, 88, 13, 10] {"fi": ["sali", "tilanvaraus", "tilavaraus", "koulu"], "sv": ["lokalbokning"], "en": ["reservation of premises"]} Point 24.890976 60.216694 PL 32301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Gymnasiet Lärkan   1 2       P.O. Box 32301, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 32301, 00099 Helsingfors stad     11      
6926 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kuraattori", "sv": "Kuraattori", "en": "Kuraattori"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3338", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Psykologi", "sv": "Psykologi", "en": "Psykologi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3405", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "floor_2", "variable": 119}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 1… internal 17805     5431c750-9d5d-4b46-9655-5fa6c83f56aa 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Hiidenkiven peruskoulu Hiidenkivi Comprehensive School, Lower and Upper Stages Rajatie 7 Råvägen 7 Rajatie 7 http://www.hiidenkivi.edu.hel.fi http://www.hiidenkivi.edu.hel.fi http://www.hiidenkivi.edu.hel.fi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 86716   +358 50 402 5542     2015-11-27T12:11:49+02:00 00730 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:58.277928+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1402] helsinki [1172, 1123, 1129, 1122, 1135, 1141, 1134, 1143, 1146, 1165, 1166, 1174, 1110, 1100, 331] [806, 662, 661, 295, 121, 119, 108, 37, 34, 33, 27, 22, 21, 15, 3] {"fi": ["koulu", "yl\u00e4aste", "alaaste", "yl\u00e4koulu", "ala-aste", "alakoulu", "peruskoulu", "peruskoulut"], "en": ["basiceducation", "basic education"]} Point 25.020523 60.263317 PL 73303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Grundskolan Hiidenkiven peruskoulu   1 2       P.O. Box 73303, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 73303, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
6964 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kuraattori", "sv": "Kuraattori", "en": "Kuraattori"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3380", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Psykologi", "sv": "Psykologi", "en": "Psykologi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3366", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla sali", "sv": "Tillg\u00e4nglig: sal", "en": "Available: hall"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Tilanvaraus", "sv": "Lokalbokning", "en": "Reservation of premises"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/fi/palvelut/tilojen-varaaminen/koulutilojen-kaytto", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/sv/tjanster/anvandning-skollokaler", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/en/services/renting-facilities/school-facilities"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": 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"variable": 37}] internal 17712     cfe981a5-3493-4432-b3b1-7945dc2c7fa3 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Paloheinän ala-asteen koulu Paloheinä Comprehensive School, Lower Stage Ylipalontie 1 Blekevägen 1 Ylipalontie 1 http://www.paloa.edu.hel.fi http://www.paloa.edu.hel.fi http://www.paloa.edu.hel.fi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 82439   +358 50 401 3758 timo.hukkanen@palmia.fi   2015-11-27T12:11:49+02:00 00670 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:58.331584+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "green", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1402] helsinki [1123, 1129, 1122, 1135, 1141, 1134, 1146, 1100, 331] [806, 661, 108, 34, 33, 27, 22, 21, 15] {"fi": ["sali", "tilanvaraus", "tilavaraus", "koulu", "peruskoulu", "peruskoulut"], "sv": ["lokalbokning"], "en": ["reservation of premises", "basiceducation", "basic education"]} Point 24.930443 60.25469 PL 67301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lågstadieskolan Paloheinän ala-asteen koulu     2       P.O. Box 67301, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 67301, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
6967 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kuraattori", "sv": "Kuraattori", "en": "Kuraattori"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3398", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Psykologi", "sv": "Psykologi", "en": "Psykologi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 512 5093", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla sali", "sv": "Tillg\u00e4nglig: sal", "en": "Available: hall"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Tilanvaraus", "sv": "Lokalbokning", "en": "Reservation of premises"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/fi/palvelut/tilojen-varaaminen/koulutilojen-kaytto", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/sv/tjanster/anvandning-skollokaler", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/en/services/renting-facilities/school-facilities"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 77}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": 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"variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {… internal 17782     c3e35724-76f1-406e-bac3-9dd16ca0d164 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Poikkilaakson ala-asteen koulu Poikkilaakso Comprehensive School, Lower Stage Puuskaniementie 21 Knysnäsvägen 21 Puuskaniementie 21 http://www.poikaa.edu.hel.fi http://www.poikaa.edu.hel.fi http://www.poikaa.edu.hel.fi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 64629   +358 50 401 3961 aila.vaherno@palmia.fi   2015-11-27T12:11:49+02:00 00850 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-03T13:00:58.348946+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1087, 1402] helsinki [1123, 1136, 1142, 1146, 1100, 331] [806, 661, 108, 35, 28, 15] {"fi": ["sali", "tilanvaraus", "tilavaraus", "koulu", "peruskoulu", "peruskoulut"], "sv": ["lokalbokning"], "en": ["reservation of premises", "basiceducation", "basic education"]} Point 25.08267 60.166313 PL 85301, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lågstadieskolan Poikkilaakson ala-asteen koulu   2 2     1 P.O. Box 85301, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 85301, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
7062 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kuraattori", "sv": "Kuraattori", "en": "Kuraattori"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 553 9679", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Psykologi", "sv": "Psykologi", "en": "Psykologi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 50 401 3318", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Koulujen tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OTHER_INFO", "name": {"fi": "Tarjolla sali", "sv": "Tillg\u00e4nglig: sal", "en": "Available: hall"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Tilanvaraus", "sv": "Lokalbokning", "en": "Reservation of premises"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/fi/palvelut/tilojen-varaaminen/koulutilojen-kaytto", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/sv/tjanster/anvandning-skollokaler", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kasvatuksen-ja-koulutuksen-toimiala/en/services/renting-facilities/school-facilities"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Hakemus varhaiskasvatukseen tai esiopetukseen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om sm\u00e5barnspedagogik eller f\u00f6rskoleundervisning", "en": "Application for early education or pre-primary education"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=506", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=506", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=506"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 44}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 47}, {"value": "floor_-1", "variable": 120}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": 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"basiceducation", "basic education"]} Point 24.964874 60.241848 PL 68303, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Specialskolan Solakallion koulu   1 2       P.O. Box 68303, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 68303, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
7205 [{"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Energiank\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 10 802 805", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kaukol\u00e4mm\u00f6n asiakaspalvelu", "sv": "Kundtj\u00e4nst f\u00f6r fj\u00e4rrv\u00e4rme", "en": "Customer service for district heating"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 617 2961", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kaukol\u00e4mp\u00f6laskutus", "sv": "Fj\u00e4rrv\u00e4rmefakturering", "en": "Invoicing for district heating"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 9 617 2856", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Kotitaloudet"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 10 802 802", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "S\u00e4hk\u00f6mittarilukemat", "sv": "Elm\u00e4tarv\u00e4rden", "en": "Electricity meter readings"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 10 802 804", "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "PHONE_OR_EMAIL", "name": {"fi": "Yritykset"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": "+358 10 802 803", "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 78}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "3", "variable": 63}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, … internal 2762 visithelsinki 3002 db1a08b5-fdfe-4950-8549-6948a3fcc584 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   service_by_municipal_group_entity kunnan konserniyhteisön palvelu tjänst från kommunal koncernsammanslutning service by municipal group entity 1                   Sähkötalo The head office of Helsingin Energia, Sähkötalo Kampinkuja 2 Kampgränden 2   http://www.helen.fi http://www.helen.fi http://www.helen.fi   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 6171   +358 9 6171 helsingin.energia@helen.fi   2008-12-01T00:00:00+02:00 00100 www.helen.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:31:00.883856+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1400, 1403] helsinki [25, 273, 749] [473, 62] {"fi": ["s\u00e4hk\u00f6njakelu", "s\u00e4hk\u00f6sopimukset", "ulkovalaistus", "ulkovalot", "valot", "j\u00e4\u00e4hdytys", "kaukoj\u00e4\u00e4hdytys", "kaukol\u00e4mp\u00f6", "l\u00e4mp\u00f6", "s\u00e4hk\u00f6mittarilukemat"]} Point 24.930794 60.16808 Kampinkuja 2, 00090 HELEN         Elhuset   2 2         1     2         3      
7206 [{"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Energianeuvonta", "sv": "Energir\u00e5dgivning", "en": "Energy advice"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.helen.fi/asiakaspalvelu/kodit/energiankayton-neuvonta/", "sv": "https://www.helen.fi/sv/kundtjanst/hem/energiradgivning/", "en": "https://www.helen.fi/en/customer-service/homes/energy-advice/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "3", "variable": 63}, {"value": "true", "variable": 75}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "vari… internal 2763     db1a08b5-fdfe-4950-8549-6948a3fcc584 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   service_by_municipal_group_entity kunnan konserniyhteisön palvelu tjänst från kommunal koncernsammanslutning service by municipal group entity 1                   Energiatori Energy Gallery Malminrinne 6, 3. krs Malmbrinken 6, 3. vån.   https://www.helen.fi/asiakaspalvelu/energiankayton-neuvonta https://www.helen.fi/sv/kundtjanst/energiradgivning https://www.helen.fi/en/customer-service/energy-advice   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 617 2727   +358 9 6171 helsingin.energia@helen.fi   2008-12-01T00:00:00+02:00 00100 www.helen.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:31:00.893171+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1400] helsinki [26, 274] [146] {"fi": ["energianeuvonta", "energians\u00e4\u00e4st\u00f6", "kodinkoneet", "kulutusmittarit", "mittarit", "s\u00e4hk\u00f6nk\u00e4yt\u00f6n neuvonta"]} Point 24.930794 60.16808           Energitorget   2 2         1     2         4      
7213 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Yhteystiedot", "sv": "Kontaktinfo", "en": "Contact us"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/kv/stadinasunnot-fi/yhteystiedot/", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/kv/stadinasunnot-fi/yhteystiedot/", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/kv/stadinasunnot-en/contact-us/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Asumisoikeuden j\u00e4rjestysnumerot", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om ordningsnummer till bostadsr\u00e4tt", "en": "Right of occupancy apartments, queuing numbers"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4142", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4142", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=4142"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Lyhytaikaisen vuokra-asunnon hakeminen"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4264"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Ty\u00f6suhdeasuntojen hakeminen", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om tj\u00e4nstebostad", "en": "Application for job-related housing"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=4279", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forvaltning/tjanster/e-tjanster?id=4279", "en": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/administration/administration/services/eservices?id=4279"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "ESERVICE_LINK", "name": {"fi": "Vuokra-asuntohakemus", "sv": "Ans\u00f6kan om hyresbostad", "en": "Rental housing application"}, "www": {"fi": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/hallinto/palvelut/asiointipalvelu?id=492", "sv": "https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/stad-och-forvaltning/forv… [{"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 41}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "entrance_in_recess_no_canopy", "variable": 36}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "waiting_not_necessary", "variable": 81}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}] internal 2785     6cde8ed1-47fe-4615-98ab-83f3edc2f56c 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1           https://www.google.fi/maps/@60.180948,24.952729,3a,75y,179.46h,99.22t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sdZxeUu-ktsX1oRXajJ-faQ!2e0!6m1!1e1 Asuntopalvelut markkinoi ja välittää kaupungin vuokra-asunnot sekä palvelee asumisoikeus- ja Hitas-asioissa. Vuokra-asuntojen hakijoiden palvelupiste sijaitsee Kalasatamassa osoitteessa Työpajankatu 8.     Asuntopalvelut Housing Services Työpajankatu 8 Verkstadsgatan 8 Työpajankatu 8 https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/fi https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/sv https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/en   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 1691   +358 9 310 1671 asuntoas@hel.fi https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kaupunki-ja-hallinto/osallistu-ja-vaikuta/ota-yhteytta/hae-yhteystietoja/toimipistekuvaus?id=7213 2008-12-01T00:00:00+02:00 00580 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-14T07:30:48.121827+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1400, 1401] helsinki [6, 136, 10, 248, 135, 9, 247] [268, 267, 261] {"fi": ["hitas", "korkotuki", "ty\u00f6suhdeasunnot", "valvonta", "vuokra-asunnot", "asumisoikeus", "hissiavustus"]} Point 24.975857 60.188583 PL 58231, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Bostadstjänster Kaupunkiympäristön asuntopalvelut markkinoi ja välittää kaupungin vuokra-asunnot sekä palvelee asumisoikeus- ja Hitas-asioissa. 3 2     1 P.O. Box 58231, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 58231, 00099 Helsingfors stad Bostadstjänster, Stadsmiljösektorn   3 Housing Services, Urban Environment Division    
7287 [] [{"value": "true", "variable": 78}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 40}, {"value": "true", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 76}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "false", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "waiting_not_necessary", "variable": 81}, {"value": "entrance_in_recess_no_canopy", "variable": 36}, {"value": "3", "variable": 63}, {"value": "no_handrails", "variable": 41}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "at_least_4_steps", "variable": 39}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "fals… internal 2824     d898f8d5-5e9b-4103-99ce-d217f04869be 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Yritystilat, Yritysvuokraus Premises Centre, Premises Services, Premises Rental Työpajankatu 8 Verkstadsgatan 8 Työpajankatu 8 https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/asuminen-ja-ymparisto/tontit/tilat/tilat-yrityksille/ https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/boende-och-miljo/tomter/lokaler/affars-verksamhetsutrymmen https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/asuminen-ja-ymparisto/tontit/tilat/tilat-yrityksille/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 2611         2008-12-01T00:00:00+02:00 00580 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-14T14:30:59.192731+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "red", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1400, 1401] helsinki [157, 2021, 158, 2022, 159, 2023] [765, 718, 393] {"fi": ["kaupalliset tapahtumat", "liiketilat", "palvelutilat", "peruskorjaus", "talonrakennus", "talot", "tilapalvelut", "tilat", "tilavuokraus", "toimitilat", "ulkomainonta"]} Point 24.975857 60.188583 PL 58223, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Lokalcentralen, Företagstjänster   3 2     1 P.O. Box 58223, 00099 City of Helsinki 1     2   PB 58223, 00099 Helsingfors stad     3      
7411 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ma-ti 08:15-12, ke-to 12-15, pe 12-15, suljettu poikkeuksellisesti 30.11.2020 - 10.1.2021", "sv": "\u00f6ppet m\u00e5n-tis 08:15-12, ons-tor 12-15, fre 12-15, undantagsvis st\u00e4ngt 30.11.2020 - 10.1.2021", "en": "open Mon-Tue 08:15-12, Wed-Thu 12-15, Fri 12-15, exceptionally closed 30 Nov 2020 - 10 Jan 2021"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Asiakaspalvelu: kaupunkiymparisto@hel.fi", "sv": "Kundtj\u00e4nst: kaupunkiymparisto@hel.fi", "en": "Customer Services: kaupunkiymparisto@hel.fi"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Muina aikoina pys\u00e4k\u00f6inninvalvonnan iltap\u00e4ivystys puh. 09 310 70014 ja vaaralliset katuvaurioilmoitukset palveluajan j\u00e4lkeen puh. 09 310 39310 (ei talvihoitoon liittyvi\u00e4 palautteita)", "sv": "Under \u00f6vriga tider parkerins\u00f6vervakningens kv\u00e4llsjour tel. 09 310 70014 och anm\u00e4lan om farliga gatuskador efter \u00f6ppettiderna tel. 09 310 39310 (ej vintersk\u00f6tsel)", "en": "At other times: parking controll tel. 09 210 70014 and notifications regarding dangerous street damage after opening times (excluding winter maintenance) tel. 09 310 39310"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "COVID-19: Pys\u00e4k\u00f6intitunnukset haetaan (tunnuksia ei saa puhelimitse) toistaiseksi et\u00e4n\u00e4.\nOta yhteys asiakaspalveluumme numerossa 09 310 22111, kun tarvitset\na) uuden asukaspys\u00e4k\u00f6intitunnuksen\nb) uuden yrityspys\u00e4k\u00f6intitunnuksen \nc) jatkoaikaa nykyiselle yrityspys\u00e4k\u00f6intitunnukselle.\nVirkailija tarkastaa puhelun aikana oikeutesi pys\u00e4k\u00f6intitunnukseen. Jos olet oikeutettu tunnukseen, h\u00e4n antaa sinulle ohjeet tunnuksen lunastamiseksi.", "sv": "Vi ber v\u00e5ra kunder att ringa kundtj\u00e4nsten p\u00e5 numret 0… [{"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "true", "variable": 111}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "elsewhere", "variable": 110}, {"value": "true", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "floor_1", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "true", "variable": 84}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 79}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 25}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 27}, {"value": "true", "variable": 35}, {"value": "opens_automatically_with_motion_sensor", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 28}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 6}, {"value":… internal 2797     d0bd676a-1515-4926-b9ef-dada76089ff4 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1             COVID-19: Katso ohjeet pysäköintitunnusten lunastamiseen: https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/fi/kartat-ja-liikenne/pysakointi/pysakointi-helsingissa/Kaupunkiympäristön asiakaspalvelu on auki tällä hetkellä ma-to niitä asiakkaita varten, joiden asiointi vaatii paikan päällä käyntiä. Puhelinpalvelumme (puh. +358 9310 22111) on avoinna ma-to klo 8.15-16.00 ja pe klo 12.00-15.00.Puhelinpalvelumme palvelee kaikissa toimialan asioissa. COVID-19: See instructions for applying for a parking permit: https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/maps-and-transport/parking/parkingThe customer service of the Urban Environment Division is open with limited opening hours Mon-Thu for those customers who need to use our services on the spot. Our telephone service (tel. +358 9310 22111) is open Mon-Thu 8:15-16:00 and Fri 10:00-15:00.By calling this service number you can access - parking, streets and parks- leasing a public area - orders for city survey services and map materials. Sector information or services concerning topics such as: -temporary area leases (streets, parks, squares) -enquiries about Building Control Services permits-ordering digital maps. The number can also be used to provide feedback or service requests concerning topics such as:-management of streets and green areas-parking control-paid parking.   Kaupunkiympäristön asiakaspalvelu Urban Environment Division, Customer Services Työpajankatu 8 Verkstadsgatan 8 Työpajankatu 8 https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/fi/yhteystiedot https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/sv/kontaktuppgifter-och-respons/ https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/en/feedback/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 22111   +358 9 310 22111   https://hel.fi/kaupunkiymparisto/palaute 2008-12-05T00:00:00+02:00 00580 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-16T09:00:57.338020+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "red", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "green"} [1400, 1401, 1402] helsinki [527, 528, 137, 249, 321, 322, 536, 76, 237, 529, 285, 331, 532] [834, 814, 806, 563, 535, 424, 251, 247, 207, 78, 73, 44] {"fi": ["asukaspys\u00e4k\u00f6inti", "auraus", "hiekoitus", "kadut", "katujen yll\u00e4pito", "katup\u00f6ly", "kunnossapito", "liukkaus", "lumi", "luvat", "mets\u00e4t", "niityt", "puistojen yll\u00e4pito", "puistot", "pys\u00e4k\u00f6inti", "talvihoito", "tiet", "torit", "viheralueet", "yrityspys\u00e4k\u00f6inti", "pys\u00e4k\u00f6intilupa", "pys\u00e4k\u00f6intitunnus", "kett\u00e4r\u00e4t kioskit", "rakennuslupa", "rakennusluvat"], "en": ["building permission"], "sv": ["bygglov"]} Point 24.975857 60.188583 PL 58231, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Stadsmiljösektorns kundtjänst - pysäköintiasiat, katu- ja puistoasiat- yleisten alueiden vuokraus- mittaustoimitukset ja kartta-aineistot- rakennusvalvonnan arkistopalvelut 1 2     1 P.O. Box 58231, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 58231, 00099 Helsingfors stad - parkering, gator och parker- hyrning av allmänna områden- mätningsarbeten och digitala kartor COVID-19: Se anvisningar för ansökning av parkeringstecken: https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/kartor-och-trafik/parkering/parkeringStadsmiljösektorns kundtjänst är öppen med begränsade öppettider mån-to för de kunder som måste uträtta sina ärenden på plats. Vår telefontjänst (tel. +358 9310 22111) är öppen mån-to kl 8.15-16.00 och fre kl 10.00-15.00.- parkering, gator och parker- hyrning av allmänna områden- mätningsarbeten och digitala kartor Via servicenumret får man råd och service i sektorns ärenden, bland annat -tillfällig hyrning av områden (gator, parker, torg)-förfrågningar om byggnadstillsynens tillstånd-beställning av digitala kartor Via servicenumret kan man också ge respons eller göra anmälningar gällande bland annat-skötsel av gator och grönområden-parkeringsövervakning-avgiftsbelagd parkering. 1 - parking, streets and parks- leasing a public area - orders for city survey services and map materials.    
7418 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "avoinna ti 09-15, ke-pe 12-15, la-su 12-16, suljettu poikkeuksellisesti 30.11.2020 - 10.1.2021", "sv": "\u00f6ppet tis 09-15, ons-fre 12-15, l\u00f6r-s\u00f6n 12-16, undantagsvis st\u00e4ngt 30.11.2020 - 10.1.2021", "en": "open Tue 09-15, Wed-Fri 12-15, Sat-Sun 12-16, exceptionally closed 30 Nov 2020 - 10 Jan 2021"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Suljettu maanantaisin (kasvien huoltop\u00e4iv\u00e4)\n.", "sv": "St\u00e4ngd m\u00e5ndagar (sk\u00f6tsel av v\u00e4xterna)", "en": "Closed on mondays"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Pyh\u00e4p\u00e4ivien aukiolot\nUudenvuodenp\u00e4iv\u00e4 klo 12-16\nLoppiainen klo 12-16\nP\u00e4\u00e4si\u00e4inen pitk\u00e4perjantai klo 12-16\nP\u00e4\u00e4si\u00e4inen lankalauantai klo 12-16\nP\u00e4\u00e4si\u00e4inen 1. p\u00e4\u00e4si\u00e4isp\u00e4iv\u00e4 klo 12-16\nP\u00e4\u00e4si\u00e4inen 2. p\u00e4\u00e4si\u00e4isp\u00e4iv\u00e4 klo 12-16\nVapunp\u00e4iv\u00e4 klo 12-16\nHelatorstai klo 12-16\nJuhannusaatto Suljettu\nJuhannusp\u00e4iv\u00e4 Suljettu"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Itsen\u00e4isyysp\u00e4iv\u00e4 klo 12-16\n2. adventtisunnuntai klo 12-18\n3. adventtisunnuntai klo 12-18\nJouluaatto suljettu\nJoulup\u00e4iv\u00e4 suljettu\nTapaninp\u00e4iv\u00e4 klo 12-16"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Taiteiden y\u00f6, elokuussa klo 12-21"}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "."}, "www": null, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Ruusutarha\nKes\u00e4ll\u00e4 1.5-31.10. klo 7-21\nMuina aikoina Ruusutarha ei ole auki yleis\u00f6ll… [{"value": "false", "variable": 105}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 111}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "false", "variable": 52}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 80}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "not_guided_but_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 109}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "otherwise_stands_out_clearly", "variable": 36}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "waiting_not_necessary", "variable": 81}, {"value": "false", "variable": 5}, {"value": "on_door", "variable": 110}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 118}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 21}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}] internal 2780 visithelsinki 73 bf22c5a0-0b08-4879-8906-3fa603eec556 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       https://www.hel.fi/static/galleries/kanslia/Talvipuutarha-vintertradgord-winter-garden/5-talvipuutarha-winter-garden.jpg     Eksoottisten kasvien keidas kutsuu viherretkelle kaikkina vuodenaikoina. Talvipuutarhassa on yli 200 erilaista kasvia: palmuja, kaktuksia ja muita mehikasveja, vanhanajan huonekasveja ja muun muassa noin 130-vuotias kameliapuu. Jouluna ja pääsiäisenä kukkivat sesongin kasvit, kuten joulutähdet, atsaleat, tulppaanit, amaryllikset, hyasintit ja pääsiäisliljat.Kasvien lisäksi kävijöitä ilahduttavat altaassa uiskentelevat karpit. Kesäisin ja vielä syksylläkin ohikulkija voi ihastella Talvipuutarhan edustan ruusutarhaa. No matter what season it is, the elaborate oasis of exotic plants invites you to take a tour of the greenery. In addition to the plants, the splashing barbels in the pools delight visitors. In the summertime and even in the autumn, a passer-by can admire the marvellous Rose Garden in front of the Winter Garden.   Talvipuutarha The Winter Garden Hammarskjöldintie 1 A Hammarskjöldsvägen 1 A Hammarskjöldintie 1 A https://www.hel.fi/Helsinki/fi/kulttuuri-ja-vapaa-aika/muu-vapaa-aika/seikkaile/talvipuutarha/ https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/sv/kultur-och-fritid/annan-fritid/Pa-aventyr/vintertradgarden/ https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/culture/leisure/experience/winter-garden   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 39985   +358 9 310 39985 stara.talvipuutarha@hel.fi   2008-12-05T00:00:00+02:00 00250 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-12-17T10:00:58.306298+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "green", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "red", "31": "green", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": "red"} [1400, 1403] helsinki [344, 749, 71, 502] [786, 473, 248] {"fi": ["kaupunginpuutarha", "ruusutarha"]} Point 24.931623 60.18612     Kuva: Mika Lappalainen     Vinterträdgården Eksoottisten kasvien keidas kutsuu viherretkelle kaikkina vuodenaikoina. 2 2   Bild: Mika Lappalainen     1     2     Den förfinade oasen med exotiska växter inbjuder till en tur i grönskan under alla årstider. Den förfinade oasen med exotiska växter inbjuder till en tur i grönskan under alla årstider. I vinterträdgården finns över 200 olika växter. På sommaren kan förbipasserande beundra rosenträdgården framför Vinterträdgården. 2 The elaborate oasis of exotic plants invites you to take a tour of the greenery.   Photo: Mika Lappalainen
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8003 [{"section_type": "OPENING_HOURS", "name": {"fi": "Aukioloajat"}, "www": {"fi": "http://ogeli.munstadi.fi/tietoa-meista/aukioloajat/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Kysymys & vastauspalsta Pulmakulma", "sv": "Fr\u00e5ge- & svarspalten Pulmakulma", "en": "Forum for questions and answers"}, "www": {"fi": "http://www.nuoret.info/", "sv": "http://www.nuoret.info/", "en": "http://www.nuoret.info/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Harrastushaku.fi", "sv": "Harrastushaku.fi", "en": "Harrastushaku.fi"}, "www": {"fi": "http://nk.hel.fi/harrastushaku/", "sv": "http://nk.hel.fi/harrastushaku/", "en": "http://nk.hel.fi/harrastushaku/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "true", "variable": 74}, {"value": "canopy_above_entrance", "variable": 36}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "true", "variable": 58}, {"value": "true", "variable": 23}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "same_floor_as_entrance", "variable": 108}, {"value": "true", "variable": 29}, {"value": "false", "variable": 62}, {"value": "true", "variable": 73}, {"value": "handrails_on_one_side", "variable": 32}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "1_step", "variable": 24}, {"value": "long_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "true", "variable": 70}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 75}, {"value": "not_guided_not_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "true", "variable": 72}, {"value": "false", "variable": 114}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "false", "variable": 31}, {"value": "false", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "opens_automatically", "variable": 77}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "false", "variable": 76}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 57}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "2", "variable": 64}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "v… internal 3021     cfe4d81b-7366-4ae2-b87b-b986e10cd220 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1                   Oulunkylän nuorisotalo Nuotta Oulunkylä Youth Centre Nuotta Kylänvanhimmantie 25 B Byäldstevägen 25 B Kylänvanhimmantie 25 B http://ogeli.munstadi.fi/ http://ogeli.munstadi.fi/ http://ogeli.munstadi.fi/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile call charge   +358 9 310 69726 +358 9 310 88545       2008-09-09T20:14:31+03:00 00640 www.hel.fi kaikki helsinki 2020-11-05T16:31:01.970402+02:00 {"00": null, "11": "red", "12": "red", "13": "red", "21": "green", "22": "red", "23": "green", "31": "red", "32": "red", "33": "red", "41": "green", "51": "red", "52": "red", "61": null} [1403] helsinki [375, 366] [468, 85] {} Point 24.963799 60.227764 PL 64404, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki         Åggelby ungdomsgård Nuotta   1 2       P.O. Box 64404, 00099 City of Helsinki       2   PB 64404, 00099 Helsingfors stad     5      
8007 [{"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Kysymys & vastauspalsta Pulmakulma", "sv": "Fr\u00e5ge- & svarspalten Pulmakulma", "en": "Forum for questions and answers"}, "www": {"fi": "http://www.nuoret.info/", "sv": "http://www.nuoret.info/", "en": "http://www.nuoret.info/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}, {"section_type": "LINK", "name": {"fi": "Harrastushaku.fi", "sv": "Harrastushaku.fi", "en": "Harrastushaku.fi"}, "www": {"fi": "http://nk.hel.fi/harrastushaku/", "sv": "http://nk.hel.fi/harrastushaku/", "en": "http://nk.hel.fi/harrastushaku/"}, "email": null, "phone": null, "contact_person": null}] [{"value": "smooth", "variable": 17}, {"value": "true", "variable": 37}, {"value": "under_20mm", "variable": 56}, {"value": "true", "variable": 118}, {"value": "false", "variable": 92}, {"value": "true", "variable": 5}, {"value": "false", "variable": 83}, {"value": "short_term_stay", "variable": 60}, {"value": "false", "variable": 103}, {"value": "false", "variable": 22}, {"value": "true", "variable": 117}, {"value": "false", "variable": 33}, {"value": "false", "variable": 44}, {"value": "same_floor_as_service_point", "variable": 108}, {"value": "false", "variable": 80}, {"value": "difficult_to_perceive", "variable": 36}, {"value": "chairs_available", "variable": 81}, {"value": "false", "variable": 21}, {"value": "true", "variable": 59}, {"value": "false", "variable": 48}, {"value": "false", "variable": 38}, {"value": "false", "variable": 23}, {"value": "true", "variable": 107}, {"value": "false", "variable": 102}, {"value": "true", "variable": 62}, {"value": "false", "variable": 6}, {"value": "true", "variable": 20}, {"value": "indoor_facility", "variable": 500}, {"value": "true", "variable": 115}, {"value": "true", "variable": 53}, {"value": "false", "variable": 49}, {"value": "false", "variable": 29}, {"value": "true", "variable": 116}, {"value": "false", "variable": 57}, {"value": "false", "variable": 79}, {"value": "true", "variable": 105}, {"value": "over_20mm", "variable": 91}, {"value": "0", "variable": 1}, {"value": "false", "variable": 98}, {"value": "false", "variable": 106}, {"value": "true", "variable": 52}, {"value": "true", "variable": 50}, {"value": "sufficiently_wide", "variable": 18}, {"value": "false", "variable": 82}, {"value": "guided_and_clear", "variable": 19}, {"value": "opens_easily_manually", "variable": 54}, {"value": "true", "variable": 112}, {"value": "false", "variable": 34}, {"value": "true", "variable": 113}, {"value": "false", "variable": 84}, {"value": "false", "variable": 51}, {"value": "true", "variable": 104}, {"value": "true", "variable": 114}] internal 3018 visithelsinki 2167 cfe4d81b-7366-4ae2-b87b-b986e10cd220 83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301 SELF_PRODUCED   municipal_service kunnallinen palvelu kommunal tjänst municipal service 1       http://liikennekaupunki.munstadi.fi/files/2014/09/100709_Lasten_liikennekaupunki_J_Pennanen_8.jpg   https://maps.google.fi/?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.hel.fi%2Fpalvelukartta%2Fkml.aspx%3Flang%3Dfi%26id%3D8007&ll=60.191745,24.924363&spn=0.002043,0.014699&layer=c&cbll=60.191746,24.924362&cbp=12,247.96,,0,0&t=h&z=17&panoid=gIqvb66pFxo98e8FK9mNqA       Lasten liikennekaupunki Children's Traffic Town Auroranportti 2 Auroraporten 2 Auroranportti 2 http://liikennekaupunki.munstadi.fi/ http://liikennekaupunki.munstadi.fi/ http://liikennekaupunki.munstadi.fi/   pvm/mpm lna/msa local network charge/mobile ca